ENGINEERING MECHANICS-Dynamics Text book: Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, R.C. Hibbeler, Ed. 12, Prentice Hall, Taiwan Angent: Gau Li Co., ISBN: 0-13-978-981-06-8134-0 Lecturers: Shao-Shu Chu T0707 ,, Fir. 13:10~16:20 Office Hours: Mon. 13:30~15:20 & Tue. 15:30~17:20 or make an appointment Office: Eng. Building, E1528 2019/5/5 KSU, ME
Syllabus Weeks Contains Note 1 Ch12. Kinematics of a Particle HW01 2 3 4 Ch13 Kinematics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration HW02 5 Ch13 6 7 Spring Break 8 Ch14 Kinematics of a Particle: Work and Energy HW03 Quiz01 9 Midterm 2019/5/5 KSU, ME
Ch16 Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body HW05 Weeks Contains Note 10 Ch14 11 12 Ch16 Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body HW05 13 Ch16 14 15 16 Ch17 Planar Kinematics of a Rigid Body: Force and Acceleration HW06 17 Ch17 18 Quiz02 19 Final 2019/5/5 KSU, ME
Evaluations Strategy: Start with basic concept to complicate examples and problems; interactive discusses and homework practice. Pre-request: Physics and calculus. Credits: Not Accept - Late hand-in HWs. Absence of class will be significant affect the completion of this course. Homework, quiz and attending class: 35% midterm exam: 30% Final exam: 35% References books: Beer/Johnston 2019/5/5 KSU, ME