Working group data and information sharing WFD 11 October 2013


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Presentation transcript:

Working group data and information sharing WFD 11 October 2013 Presentation of the UWWTD Structured Implementation and Information Framework (SIIF) project European Commission Directorate General for the Environment unit C.2 - Marine Environment & Water Industry

Background Directives Communications 2003/4/EC - on public access to environmental information 2007/2/CE - establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Communications COM (2007) 502 - A Europe of Results – Applying Community Law COM (2008) 46 - Towards a Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) COM (2008) 773 - on implementing European Community Environmental Law COM (2010) 2020 - A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth COM (2012) 95 - Improving the delivery of benefits from EU environment measures : building confidence through better knowledge and responsiveness COM (2012) 673 - A Blueprint to Safeguard Europe's Water Resources COM (2012) 710 - on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 "Living well, within the limits of our planet" COM (2013) 685 - Regulatory Fitness and Performance (REFIT) : Results and Next Steps

Current situation MS level EIONET EU level SIIF ? Web feature service - Publication of a two-years report with benchmarkings but - Not user-friendly websites - No links with national level - Very low use of data by experts and public Current situation National website(s) (regulation, compliance, mapviewer, statistic viewer, reports…) Under-control reporting exercise but - Lots of manual exchanges and qualification of data - The compliance evaluation is a black box - Long delay to process and managed the information ? EU websites (UWW mapviewer, UWW files in water data center, regulation, bi-annual reports, facts and figures,…) MS level EIONET EU level Current 'data model' with about 230 parameters centralized management system National UWW website(s) EU UWW website(s) SIIF principles Common national "data model" at least 230 parameters Reporting art 15(4) "data model" less parameters National UWW DB EU UWW DB Web feature service 1- new "data model" with more useful parameters focused on compliance 2- Transparancy : public access to information (data, compliance, regulation, links, implementation plan…) 3- Decentralised management system 4 – self assessment of the compliance 5 - Regularly updated data (with automatic exchanges and qualification) frequency depends from the compliance 6- Look forward : more detailed on new projects to be compliant 7 - Reduction of administrative burden 8 – Development step-by-step

the SIIF project (EC + Pilot Member States) What we are doing and what we have to do Assessment of the current situation (shotcomings and bestpratices) (current contract) Proposal of the SIIF concept (current contract) Proposal of a new common national "data model" with parameters useful for the implementation of UWWTD and other relevant directives at the national level, with less frequency of update for compliant situations, Proposal of a new reporting article 15(4) "data model" with less parameters Proposal of a new IT approach To facilitate exchanges and assessment of data, Test new approaches with the next reporting exercise (new contract) Promotion of web development in some pilot MS (CY, IE, LT, SI) with national websites for public assess to information Prepare the transition Volontary exercise for MS between 2015 and 2020

Expected data results of UWW SIIF exercise More clear, accurate, easy-access and updated information (raw and agregated data, compliance, regulation, implementation plans ..) available to public, NGOs, experts and private companies (civil engineering, water industry, engineering offices…) at EU and national level One UWW database available for other uses at EU and national level, possibility to cross the UWW data with the other pressure and quality data for the use of other relevant directives (BD, WFD, MSD,…) and international Convention and Commission

Exepected results in decrease of administrative burden Decrease in frequency of update of compliant information Decrease of parameters needed for the EU reporting art 15(4) Decrease in official requests (written, e-mail, telephone), Deletion of the need to handle UWW by other ways, …

Expected results of UWW SIIF exercise Better overview of the current situation Better implementation of the EU and national legislation and international Convention and Commission Better programming of investments Better programming of Eu regional funds Better view of the UWW industrial market (infrastructures to build, ressources to provide for the operating,…) More support from the Commission crossing SIIF exercise, new UWW national implementation plans and Partnership Implementation Agreements More exchanges between MS to take into account good practices (implementation plan, regulation, …) INDICATOR  Hundreds (thousands ) of web visitors each day at EU and national level (french UWW website 400-500 visitors each day)

Milestones Preparatory assessment/consultation phases already started : 11 December 2012 : first SIIF meeting, 24th October 2013 : second SIIF meeting (consultation meeting on the concept paper pDecrease in official requests (written, e-mail, telephone), roposal) 2013 : contract with UBA and IOW to produce a SIIF concept paper with a new datamodel Progressive incorporation of the new approaches into the reporting system, until 2020 : January 2014 : definition of SIIF concept paper and proposal of a road map, establishment of the new datamodels for the 9th reporting exercice and optional for pilot MS for the 8th reporting exercice. 2014 : establishment of the EU node for the IT system at the EEA 2014 – 2015 : pilot SIIF exercises with six MS (CY, IE, LT, SI) including the development of new IT systems at national level 2015-2020 : progressive implementation of the SIIF by other MS Establisment of new UWW implementation plans and Partnership implementation agreements in link with the SIIF exercice 2014-2020 Development of SIIF exercice by other EU policies (DWD, BWD) 2014-2020

Thank you for your attention.