My Top 6 Bucket List Places By: Imanol Sandoval Date: November 7th, 2014
Florida The Flag of the United States Name:Old Glory Location:North America
Florida This place that I want to go before my death is Floridia, for its great places and wonders. I’ve been wanting to go here for a long time, even when I was a kid. All the things i’ve been learning about this destination has been making me want to there even more with big beautiful oceans on the beach. For vacations I would love to go there for relaxing or might to try to live there , it would be a dream come true for me if that happened.
Greenland The Flag of GreenLand Name: Enpalasorput Location: North America
Greenland The name, Greenland, may fool you a bit, you would think that a place named Greenland would be full of grass and sunny but it is way different. The country is actually in a winter state all the time, kinda like Antarctica, but with different features. If you see the countries size you will see it is the size of Texas, and it’s size also makes it the largest island in the world. Some other fun facts about this country or island is that the interior is uninhabitable, thats why the population live on the coastline of the Island.
Japan The Flag of Japan Name: Hinomaru Location: Asia
Japan Japan is a great country that i’ve heard many great things about in recent years. With it being a highly popular and overpopulated with either residents or tourist, people love it there. All of their technology and inventions has really caught my attention many times. For the information about this county, I barely know that this is a place millions of vending machines everywhere. The vending machines are way different from the ones we have here in America, the vending machines in Japan don't just sell candy they sell sodas, cell phones, and Ipods as well. I really do imagine myself going there one day in my life before I shall die.
Brazil The Flag of Brazil Name:Bandeira Auriverde Location:South America
Brazil Many Facts about Brazil has made me want to go there and make me want to learn more about it. Some facts about this place is that it is the largest Japanese community outside of Japan. With combining their community and also the japanese community, their population ranks 5 with 202,656,788 people living there right now, 90% are male and 91% are female. We also get many of our foods from there to, like coffee, oranges, and bananas. The countries capital is Brasilia and their common name is Brazil but their official name is The Republic of Brazil.
United Kingdom The Flag of the United Kingdom Name: Union Jack Location: Europe
United Kingdom It is barely interesting subject to me but over the information I have about it, I have started to like this a lot more. Some of the great activities that we still play today were invented by Europeans in the old days like football (soccer), boxing, and tennis. In the year 2013, last year, six libraries there and Ireland began a project to archive or proserve every website that has any of the U.Ks suffix. Currently their population is 63,742,977 basically just 18% of the rest of the world.