School of something FACULTY OF OTHER Health and Safety Safe in the knowledge
Welcome to the University of Leeds Life here in the University is never dull Health and Safety
And we want to keep it that way But the University is such a large and diverse place with a wide range of hazards and risks How do we keep everyone safe? Health and Safety
Health and safety is our top priority and applies to everyone at the University It starts from the top and cascades through every level of the University And it must be your priority too Health and Safety
Why do we take health and safety so seriously? We want this to be a safe and healthy place to learn Health and Safety legislation The financial cost – not all accident costs are insured this takes spending away from you and your course Health and Safety
And accidents do happen: Health and Safety
Look out for the hazards in everyday life: Slips, trips and falls Poor posture when you are using computers Manual handling Dangerous chemicals Using electrical equipment As well as risks that are specific to your course: Radioactivity Lasers Health and Safety
Electrical Safety There is always a risk when using electrical appliances Personal lap tops must be electrically safe & comply with British Standards AC/DC Adapters must operate on 240 Volts mains supply using a 13 amp plug Health and Safety
You are responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of other people Do: Read and follow health and safety information in your School, Faculty and across the University Do: Report any faults, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions Do not: Misuse anything that the University has provided for health and safety. Do not: Behave in a way that might harm other people. What are you responsible for? Health and Safety
Dont wait for accidents to happen First aid Find out the name of your local first aider today. Look out for this sign, which will tell you more: Fire Find out the location of fire alarm points and the means of escape Health and Safety
Fire A continuous alarm will sound Evacuate the building by the quickest route Do not use lifts Follow any instructions given by fire wardens. Do not re-enter the building until we tell you its safe to do so. Fire notices like this one are displayed in all University buildings. If you discover a fire, sound the alarm using the nearest fire alarm call point. Health and Safety
Take note of the safety signs around campus Some are mandatory Some prohibit Some warn of hazards Some give information about fire safety and equipment Health and Safety
Using computers for long periods can cause: Eye strain Finger, wrist and shoulder pain Headaches Take regular breaks and adjust your workstation to suit you Look at the website for more information Computers Health and Safety
Theres a right way to move objects safely: Dont move or lift anything if you have to strain Where possible get help or use a trolley Look at the website for more information Manual handling Health and Safety
In an emergency Follow the local instructions you were given during your induction, or any other instructions you are given at the time If you need to call the emergency services, call Security on To make any suggestions or report problems Contact: - your tutor - the local Safety Coordinator or Faculty Health and Safety Manager - or Health and Safety Services on Visit our website at Health and Safety
Any questions ? Health and Safety