Test Strategies WE CAN DO IT
Test Taking Be aware of time so you can pace yourself Listen closely to directions Bring all materials Keep a positive attitude Read the entire question Write legibly
Reading Strategies Underline or highlight important words Follow along with a pencil as you read Try to sound out words that you do not know Read the questions before and after the passage Read the story twice Take notes Watch the clock!
Applying Reading Strategies Highlight or underline the most important terms or phrases from the question below. Earthquakes occur when tension in the Earth’s crust suddenly gives away. Sometimes this tension builds up many kilometers below the Earth’s surface. Which of the following best describes the motion of the waves produced when that tension gives away?
Writing Strategies Indent paragraphs Restate in complete sentences Check and re-check punctuation Introduction and conclusion Check spelling Read your completed essay Never ever leave an answer blank Be sure you have a sentence for each point Only write inside the box
Multiple Choice Strategies Use process of elimination Read the questions before and after the question Look back in the passage for answers Underline important words in the passage Never ever leave an answer blank
Test Vocabulary Infer: to make an educated guess Determine: to make a decision Identify: to relate, recognize or show Analyze: to break down Draw a conclusion: provide an outcome
Test Vocabulary Compare: to examine likeliness or difference (there must be at least two things) Support: to back up with reasoning or evidence Describe: narrate Summarize: to condense the main ideas
Test Vocabulary Composition: a piece of writing Explain: to make understandable: to give reasons Effect: result Represent: to symbolize Express: to communicate, to show
Test Vocabulary Apply: to make relevant Interpret: to clarify the meaning by restating or explaining Compute: calculate Construct: create Evaluate: to appraise value