Student and College Partnerships Johnna Ehlert Welcome, my name is Johnna Ehlert, and I am the College Relations Director for VA SHRM. Today, we will be discussing the current student and brainstorming ideas to involve college students with your SHRM chapter.
Introductions Name Chapter Affiliation Chapter Role Best Vacation To get started, let’s go around the room and state your name, chapter affiliation, chapter role and best vacation that you have been on.
School and Work Demands The Current Student Information Overload School and Work Demands Friends & Peers The current student is living in the information and technology age. The student is drowning in information overload from social media, technology, school demands, part-time/full-time jobs, and friends and family. Taking on another role or activity could push a student over the edge, but with the right tools and resources, students can leverage technology to their advantage to pursue opportunities that will advance their career. As SHRM chapters and student chapter affiliates, we need to determine what is most helpful to students and what tools/resources can be used to their advantage and not cause information overload.
Characteristics of Generation Z Security Competitive Independent Multitasker Entrepreneurial Face-to-Face Digital Experts Confirmation Forbes wrote an article on the characteristics of Generation Z. As you can see, these traits are highly valued in the workforce. Generation Z is competitive and entrepreneurial. They need new challenges and want to be the best at their work. They are independent and can get their work down. They are also digital experts and understand technology and troubleshooting, to quickly identify what is working and what is not working. Generation Zs also need confirmation and face-to-face interaction. Students are used to receiving instant feedback regarding test scores and grades in school. They need that confirmation from their manager and time for social interaction (not necessarily on social media) to feel effective and valued in the workplace.
Social Media Facebook Instagram Snapchat LinkedIn Twitter YouTube No Yes Snapchat Yes, but more personal and used for DM LinkedIn Colleges are pushing LinkedIn usage Twitter No, not really YouTube Instagram, snapchat, and youtube are on the rise of the highest used mobile applications by Generation Z. Interestingly enough, 59% of Generation Z said they had increased their usage of youtube, and about 55% had increased their usage of Instagram. Snapchat is more personally and may be difficult to tap into using for social media for SHRM and SHRM student chapters, but Instagram and youtube are excellent social media outlets to increase awareness of your chapter and promote short how-to or instructional videos. Colleges are pushing and recommending students to set up LinkedIn accounts as they prepare to enter the corporate world. There is not specific data on Generaztion Z’s usage of LinkedIn, but this social media outlet is a great way to connect with the next generation of HR workers. Have you been using social media as an outlet for your chapter? What has been working, what hasn’t been working?
Social Media As you can see, youtube is actually the highest used social media app by Generation Z with Instagram and Snapchat following close behind. Have any of you used youtube for your SHRM chapter. What are some ideas for utilizing youtube to get students involved in your chapter (example: have Students create a youtube (or star in) a quick video that provides ”how tos” or “updates” on HR topics).
Brainstorming Activity Create a storyboard for a potential 60 second clip for a YouTube video Can be a “How To” or “Hot Topic” relevant to HR Target Audience: SHRM Students Team Size: 2-3 Let’s break up into team’s of two to three. You’ll have about 8-10 minutes to develop a storyboard idea for your chapter’s Youtube account page. Try to keep the video clip at around 60 seconds and choose a relevant HR how to or topic targeted towards students. After the time is up, we’ll go around the room and explain our idea and how its relevant/helpful to HR students.
Best Practices Engage with local universities SHRM student chapter presentations at chapter meetings Virtual webinars with video SHRM-CP prep classes Presence at college job fairs Check with local universities to determine where their HR program is housed – It may be located in the liberal arts programs instead of the School of Business. Also, inviting SHRM student chapters to present at your local chapter meeting is a great way to engage students and also schedule a different meeting for your chapter as well. Students studying in HR can now take the SHRM-CP post graduation. SHRM-CP prep classes are excellent ways to engage students.
Comments and Questions?
References Generation Z’s Favorite Social Network: Youtube, Instagram, SnapChat. (Jul. 10, 2018). Criteo. Retrieved from Kats, R. (Sep. 26, 2018). More Millennials, Gen Z Are Using Social Apps. emarketer. Retrieved from Patel, D. (Sep. 21, 2017). 8 Ways Generation Z Will Differ From Millennials in the Workplace. Forbes. Retrieved from