Review of the New Approach – The New Legislative Framework (NLF) State of Play – November 2007
Main elements covered by the Review Market surveillance Notified Bodies Role and significance of CE marking Common definitions & obligations Strengthen system through review of the main features
Complementary legislative tools REGULATION Accreditation Market surveillance - internal - imported products Financing for inter-comparisons Immediately applicable DECISION Definitions / obligations Notification (criteria / process / accreditation) Conformity assessment procedures Safeguard mechanisms (& market surveillance) marking Basis for future legislation
Timeframe / Process Proposal was adopted by the Commission on 14 February 2007 Council working group and EP committees Adoption by Council / EP, end 2008 Regulation immediately applicable Implementing measures Review of sectoral directives
Current timing EP committees (IMCO and ENVI) will handle the proposals end November NLF is on the agenda of the Competitiveness Council (22-23 November): information from the Presidency on the state of play Possible political agreement at Competitiveness Council 25-26 February 2008 (Slovenian Presidency) EP and Council want to get this through on first reading Opinion of EP expected in January 2008
Current issues under discussion 1 – Proposed Regulation Product definition (transformed products, harmonised products?) CE marking (definition and rules into the Regulation?) Scope / Regulation as wide as possible or the minimum? Relation with the GPSD
Current issues under discussion 2 – Proposed Decision Responsibilities and obligations of operators (importers, manufacturers…) Accreditation and Notification processes Scope of the text Publication of references of HS and recognition of other technical specifications Languages for technical documentation
Review of sectoral directives WHEN? Stable document: discussions will start around 2008 HOW? By groups of directives By modifying all at the same time By topics … still unknown
Web site addresses European Commission - Review of the New Approach: European Parliament: Council of the European Union: