Part II: Requests North Central Texas College Libraries Sometimes the material that you need is available (that is, not checked out), but is housed in an NCTC Library located on a different campus. In this tutorial we will use iLink (the NCTC Libraries online catalog) to place a request on such an item. The request will notify NCTC library staff to send the item from one campus to another.
Basic Search To place a request on an item you must first find the items record in the online catalog. For help with basic searching contact your NCTC Library staff or view iLink Basics: Part I: Basic Searching for more information. In this example we are looking for an item about martin luther king.
Results List Enter Search Terms Here For our example, we will assume that your home campus is the Corinth campus. In your results list you see that there is an item on the Gainesville campus that will suit your needs. To place your request, you will need to go to the more detailed record for this item. To do so, click on the button labeled Details.
Detailed Record Now that you have the detailed record of the item you need on the screen you can place your request. Click the link at the top of the screen labeled Requests.
Requests You should now be at the Requests screen. At the center of the screen is a series of options. Select Request Item to place a request on the item.
Request From Another NCTC Campus You will now place the request for an item at another NCTC campus. In the field labeled Date Needed By, type the latest date for which you can use the material. Please keep in mind that it can take 1-2 business days for materials to be delivered from one campus to another. In the Note field type the name of the campus to which you want the material delivered. In this case we want the material to be sent to Corinth. In the User ID field, type your 9-digit student ID number with no spaces and no punctuation. You MUST supply your User ID to submit your request. When you are finished, click the button marked Send.
Request Confirmation When your request is sent you will see the Request Confirmation screen. Use the OK link to go back to the Request Item screen or click Search/Home to return to searching.
Need more help? Contact YOUR NCTC Library staff… Thank you for participating in this tutorial. You should now be able to place a request for materials from a different NCTC campus from iLink. For more information, such as how to place holds on unavailable materials or advanced searching, contact NCTC library staff on your campus.