Sentences practising impersonal verbs and infinitives Minimus Secundus Sentences practising impersonal verbs and infinitives
necesse est mihi currere
necesse est mihi currere It is necessary for me to run
necesse est mihi sistere
necesse est mihi sistere It is necessary for me to stop
facile est mihi aquam bibere
facile est mihi aquam bibere It is easy for me to drink water
difficile est mihi medicamentum bibere
difficile est mihi medicamentum bibere It is difficult for me to drink medicine
necesse est mihi pomum consumere
necesse est mihi pomum consumere It is necessary for me to eat an apple
difficile est mihi lignum consumere
difficile est mihi lignum consumere It is difficult for me to eat wood
and Year 6 pupils from Moreton Hall Prep School Dr Helen Forte and Year 6 pupils from Moreton Hall Prep School