Chicago History Bell-Ringer Natives in Chicago Area 10/26/2009
Answer the following questions: 1) Name any 2 tribes of Native Americans who lived in the Chicago/Illinois area. 2) What did the Natives build in Cahokia, Illinois? It is a heritage site today. 3) How did some area tribes try to hurt the Iroquois, who had begun moving west?
Keep going… 4) How many villages did the Native American tribes in this area have? 5) How did clans get their names? 6) Besides belonging to a clan, people in a tribe were also grouped by what? 7) At what two points in her life would a woman typically stay in a remote hut for 10 days?
And the last few… 8) What would a man bring to a woman if he wanted her to marry him? 9) Name one thing a woman should not do while pregnant, according to the tribal traditions. 10) Name any tradition associated with death or burial that was practiced by Chicago area tribes.