Fractions English for teachers
one half – a third, two thirds – three quarters – a sixths, five sixths – an eigth HalfThirdFourthFifthSixth SeventhEighthNinthTenthEleventh TwelfthThirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth…
The Birthday Prepare three cakes Divide the first one into quarters. This is a vanilla cake Divide the second one into sixths. This is a strawberry cake Divide the third one into eighths. This is a chocolate cake
Anns birthday Write the names of the family members in the section/s of the cake Listen to the text to learn who ate what!
Anns birthday Anns father has eaten a quarter of the vanilla cake. Her mother loves chocolate so she has eaten an eighth of the chocolate cake. Anns sister, who likes fruit, has eaten a sixth of the strawberry cake. Anns brother loves cake – hes eaten a quarter of the chocolate cake and a sixth of the strawberry cake. Then grandfather has eaten a quarter of the vanilla cake and grandmother an eighth of the chocolate cake. Anns uncle has eaten an eighth of the chocolate cake and a sixth of the strawberry one. Her aunt has only eaten an eighth of the chocolate cake.
Anns birthday The question is: HOW MANY SECTIONS OF EACH CAKE ARE LEFT?
A meal to share Mushroon pizza Ham and Cheese pizza Apple Watermelon How much would you like to eat? Mark it on your drawing Id like to have… Tell your partner, negotiate the quantity and calculate how much food is left