Carolina M Sanchez Fresno Pacific University Pica Syndrome
What is Pica Syndrome? Pica syndrome is defined as developmentally inappropriate consumption of nonnutritive foods consistent for more than one month. Nonnutritive foods consists of chalk, dirt, paint chips, paper, ice cubes, money, laundry detergent, dog food including feces to list a few. Pica is most common in pregnant women, toddlers, and can correlate with other disorders such as Autism, obsessive compulsive disorders and schizophrenia and much more. Bay, A., Dogan, M., Bulan, K., Kaba, S., Demir, N., & Öner, A. (2013).
What causes Pica? Experts still cannot really pinpoint exactly what causes Pica. However their has been studies done that prove that the majority of individuals who are diagnosed with Pica have some sort of deficiency in their mineral intake or associated with some type of physiological and psychological impairments. Along with Primarily associated with low iron (anemia). Another factor is malnutrition Matson, J. L., Belva, B., Hattier, M. A., & Matson, M. L. (2011).
What are the symptoms Symptoms include stomach pain, nausea and vomiting, constipation diarrhea and fatigue Symptoms in severe pica individuals can include tearing of the stomach and intestinal obstructions. Johnson, D. (2017).
How does pica affect family, relationships and community? Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt CookiesTo Survive. Retrevied from Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt CookiesTo Survive. Retrevied from Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt CookiesTo Survive. Retrevied from Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt CookiesTo Survive. Retrevied from Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt CookiesTo Survive. Retrevied from How does pica affect family, relationships and community? Pica can hinder the relationship between family financially. Pica can hinder a community by causing a humanitarian crisis Relationships , feel embarrassed, ashamed Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt CookiesTo Survive. Retrevied from
Techniques/Strategies Behavioral techniques Positive reinforcement Chewing toys Counseling psychiatrist Turnbull, A, Turnbull, R, Wehmeyer, M., Shogren, K. (2013).
Pica and how it affects education and learning Just like any other disability Pica can hinder a child learning development, in the areas of behavior, social interaction, educational performance and classroom attitudes. Turnbull, A, Turnbull, R, Wehmeyer, M., Shogren, K. (2013).
Short Film on pica syndrome A short film done by a student named Michele Rho a student at Columbia University. This film is about a girl by the name of Adrienne who suffers from Pica. Rho, M (2009). Pica(Short Movie)
Cultural and Global Perspectives on Pica In Africa it is considered tradition or cultural activity to consume clay. Particularly women who are pregnant or lactating Provides minerals Rosenberg, M. (April 2017). Geophagy-Eating Dirt: A Traditional Practice Which Provides Nutrients to the Body
References Bay, A., Dogan, M., Bulan, K., Kaba, S., Demir, N., & Öner, A. (2013). A study on the effects of pica and iron-deficiency anemia on oxidative stress, antioxidant capacity and trace elements. Human & Experimental Toxicology, 32(9), 895-903. doi:10.1177/0960327113475676 Johnson, D. (2017). PICA during Pregnancy. International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 32(1), 45-47. Matson, J. L., Belva, B., Hattier, M. A., & Matson, M. L. (2011). Pica in Persons with Developmental Disabilities: Characteristics, Diagnosis, and Assessment. Research In Autism Spectrum Disorders, 5(4), 1459-1464. Rho, M (2009). Pica(Short Movie). Retrieved from Rosenberg, M. (April 2017). Geophagy-Eating Dirt: A Traditional Practice Which Provides Nutrients to the Body. Retrieved from Turnbull, A, Turnbull, R, Wehmeyer, M., Shogren, K. (2013). Exceptional Lives (7th Ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc Worldfocus.Haitians Eat Dirt Cookies To Survive. Retrieved from