Coca-Cola By: Eden Garza
Company Name The name of my company is Coca-Cola
Company Logo Coca-Cola has stayed around the same logo for 128 years. 1969 2007 1890-1891 1958-1960s 2003 2011
Company Slogan 1886 - Drink Coca-Cola 1904 - Delicious and Refreshing 1905 - Coca-Cola Revives and Sustains 1906 - The Great National Temperance Beverage 1917 - Three Million a Day 1922 - Thirst Knows No Season 1923 - Enjoy Thirst 1924 - Refresh Yourself 1925 - Six Million a Day 1926 - It Had to Be Good to Get Where It Is 1927 - Pure as Sunlight 1927 - Around the Corner from Everywhere 1929 - The Pause that Refreshes 1932 - Ice Cold Sunshine 1938 - The Best Friend Thirst Ever Had 1939 - Thirst Asks Nothing More 1939 - Whoever You Are, Whatever You Do, Wherever You May Be, When You Think of Refreshment Think of Ice Cold Coca-Cola 1942 - The Only Thing Like Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola Itself 1948 - Where There's Coke There's Hospitality 1949 - Along the Highway to Anywhere 1952 - What You Want is a Coke 1956 - Coca-Cola... Makes Good Things Taste Better 1957 - Sign of Good Taste 1958 - The Cold, Crisp Taste of Coke 1959 - Be Really Refreshed 1963 - Things Go Better with Coke 1969 - It's the Real Thing 1971 - I'd Like to Buy the World a Coke 1975 - Look Up America 1976 - Coke Adds Life 1979 - Have a Coke and a Smile 1982 - Coke Is It! 1985 - We've Got a Taste for You 1985 - America's Real Choice 1986 - Red, White & You 1986 - Catch the Wave 1987 - When Coca-Cola is a Part of Your Life, You Can't Beat the Feeling 1988 - You Can't Beat the Feeling 1989 - Official Soft Drink of Summer 1990 - You Can't Beat the Real Thing 1993 - Always Coca-Cola 2000 - Coca-Cola. Enjoy 2001 - Life Tastes Good 2003 - Coca-Cola... Real 2005 - Make It Real 2006 - The Coke Side of Life 2009 - Open Happiness
Company Slogan Cont. As you can see, 128 years has given Coca-Cola plenty of time to come up with slogans.
What is the Company’s Mission? To refresh the world... To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... To create value and make a difference. Those three bullet points are three “…declare our purpose as a company…”
What are the Benefits and Features of the Company? Reward our people for taking risks and finding better ways to solve problems Focus on needs of our consumers, customers and franchise partners Be insatiably curious These are just 3 of the 31 points in the Coca-Cola “Roadmap”.
What do your People already think of the Company? Thanks @CocaCola for reminding us that we are beautiful because of and not in spite of our linguistic diversity.#AmericaIsBeautiful — Ashley Karlsson (@AshleyKarlsson) February 3, 2014 @Andrea: The was a beautiful commercial exemplifying the very thing AMERICA used to stand for…A Melting Pot…Diversity. Oh…and America the Beautiful is NOT the National Anthem, m’kay? These two responses are some of the many cheering Coca-Cola on for spreading the idea of diversity in something big like the Superbowl.
What Qualities Do People Associate With This Company? People have expected great soft drinks from Coca-Cola for 128 years and they continually deliver.
Fun Facts Only a few people know the Coca-Cola recipe. The mix is made THEN exported to all the different bottling plants in the world. The Coca-Cola Santa Claus first appeared in 1931. Coca-Cola was invented by pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886.
Recent Buzz Many different reaction, some good and some bad. The much talked about Superbowl commercial. Many different reaction, some good and some bad.