Monotone Nonsubmodular Maximization Supermodular Degree
k-Extendible System
Independent System Consider a finite set V and a collection of subsets of V. (V, ) is called an independent system if i.e., it is hereditary. Each subset in is called an independent set.
Lemma 1
Supermodular Degree M. Feldman and R. Izsak, “Constrained monotone function maximiza- tion and the supermodular degree,” in ACM-SIAM SODA, 2014.
Monotone Function Max
Greedy Approximation Theorem 1
Monotone Function Max
Greedy Approximation Theorem 1
Proof Monotone!
Applications Uriel Feige and Rani Izsak. Welfare maximization and the supermodular degree. In ITCS, pages 247–256, 2013. Rani Izsak: Working Together: Committee Selection and the Supermodular Degree. AAMAS 2017: 1578-1580 Moran Feldman, Rani Izsak: Building a Good Team: Secretary Problems and the Supermodular Degree. SODA 2017: 1651-1670
Submodularity Ratio and Curvature Andrew An Bian, Joachim M. Buhmann, Andreas Krause,Sebastian Tschiatschek: Guarantees for Greedy Maximization of Non-submodular Functions with Applications, arXiv:1703.02100v3 [cs.DM] 13 June 2017
Submodularity Ratio
Greedy Theorem
Thank You, end