Social/Observational learning Observational learning – learning occurs through observing and imitating others Class 7. – octopus
Social/Observational learning Neural basis: Mirror neurons in the frontal lobe When a monkey performs a task, these neurons fire When they observe another monkey performing the same task, these neurons fire as well Monkey see, monkey do Class 7.
Social/Observational learning Albert Bandura (1925 - ) Bobo Doll Experiment Class 7. A preschool chld is at work on a drawing. An adult in another part of the room is working with some tinkertoys. The adult then gets up and for nearly 10 minutes pounds, kicks, and throws a large inflated Bobo doll around the room, while yelling such remarks as, “Sock him in the nose..Hit him down…kick him”. After observing this outburst, the child is taken to another room where there are many appealing toys. Soon the experimenter interrupts the child’s play and explains that she has decided to save these good toys “for the other children.” She now takes the frustrated child to an adjacent room containing a few toys, including a Bobo doll. Left alone, what does the child do? Compared with children not exposed to the adult model, those who observed the model’s aggressive outburst were much more likely to lash out at the doll. Appparently observing the adult modelbeating up the doll lowered their inhibitions. But something more than lowered inhibitions was at work for the children also imitated the very acts they had observed and used the very words they had heard. What determines whether we will imitate a model? Rinforcement and punishments – those received by the model as well as by the imitator. We look and we learn.
Applications of Social Learning Abusive parents may have aggressive children TV programs Columbine – copycat threats or incidents Class 7
Neural Basis of Learning Class 7. Give copy of Scientific American article???