William Howard Taft
Progressivism under Taft Promised to follow progressive lead of TR TR had placed Gifford Pinchot, a strong conservationist, over the US Forest Service Taft placed Ballinger, a man that supported business, over the Department of Interior. Ballinger allowed a businesses to take possession of coal rich land in Alaska that was set aside as public lands Pinchot complained publicly about Ballinger and Taft fired Pinchot
Taft a failure as a Progressive President Roosevelt returned from Africa and was furious about the job Taft was doing Taft was not excited about continuing with another term in the Presidency
Election of 1912 Roosevelt sought the nomination from the Republican party but did not get it The Progressive (Bull Moose) Party created; Roosevelt presidential candidate Supported: women’s suffrage, child labor ban, worker’s compensation, and direct election of senators
Wilson: 42% Popular Vote T. Roosevelt 27% Popular Vote Taft: 23% Popular Vote Debs 8% Popular Vote
Woodrow Wilson-1912 President of Princeton University; religious man Underwood Tariff -removed high tariffs To make up for lost income to the country- passed the 16th amendment for collecting federal income tax Clayton Anti Trust Act made Sherman Anti Trust stronger by protecting unions Created the Federal Trade Commission to watch businesses to make sure they were behaving and not attempting to become powerful monopolies Federal Reserve System to control cash flow and help stop economic panic
WILSON HAS BIG PLANS Progressive “New Freedom” platform
WILSON’S FAULTS Did not support Civil Rights Allowed bathrooms to be segregated again at the White House Did not support Women’s Suffrage
Section 4 Abigail Adams wrotes to her husband, John, who was attending the Continental Congress in Philadelphia, asking that he and the other men--who were at work on the Declaration of Independence--"Remember the Ladies." John responds with humor. The Declaration's wording specifies that "all men are created equal."
The Women Get Organized 1st organization of women: Seneca Falls New York Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton Susan B. Anthony will join the movement Susan B. Anthony argued that the 14th amendment gave women the right to vote
14th Amendment Amendment XIV Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Susan B. Anthony In the 1800s, women in the United States had few legal rights and did not have the right to vote. Susan B. Anthony was arrested for casting an illegal vote in the presidential election of 1872. She was tried and then fined $100 but refused to pay.
3 ways to possibly acquire the vote 14th amendment Each state pass a law allowing for women’s suffrage A Constitutional Amendment so that every state would then have to recognize the amendment to the “Law of the Land”
NAWSA: National American Women’s Suffrage Association NAWSA continued to fight a state by state campaign and push for an amendment to the Constitution along with the Congressional Union
Congressional Union Lucy Burns and Alice Paul tried new tactics in their fight for suffrage They burned speeches Wilson had made Picketed the White House Were arrested and started hunger strikes in jail ALICE PAUL