A National Park for the Cotswolds - Why ?


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Presentation transcript:

A National Park for the Cotswolds - Why ? Covers 15 Local Authorities More than 350 parishes 6 Counties

Comparison of the Cotswolds AONB National Parks The Cotswolds AONB is larger than most National Parks We have the same form of governance We operate in the same way as a National Park apart from role in planning applications We are more like a National Park than other smaller AONBs

Statutory Duties of National Parks and AONBs Conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage Promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of national parks by the public Seek to foster the economic and social well-being of local communities within the national parks Conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the AONB To increase the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the AONB, ensuring that these complement the conservation and enhancement of the area

Comparison of the Cotswolds AONB with the South Downs National Park Covers 15 local Authority areas Is 112 km from end to end Has a governing Board with Local Authority, Parish Council and Government elected members Has Park Rangers Maintains public rights of way Annual budget of £10,135,000 Is the Planning Authority over all the park and devolves function to Local Authorities but retains control Covers 15 local Authority areas Is 110 km from end to end Has a governing Board with Local Authority, Parish Council and Government elected members Has voluntary Wardens Maintains public rights of way Annual budget of £840,000 Local Authorities decide all plans and the AONB is not a statutory consultee

South Downs National Park Management Tree Staffing Comparison !

What is happening? Views of all parties are being sought Presentations are been given like this across the Cotswolds Visits to National Parks Meetings with Local MPs A Landscapes Review Committee has been set up to review National Parks and AONBs and will report back to Government next year Landscapes Review: Call for Evidence published – closes 18th December Anyone can put their views online

What will be different? For the General public – more information and support for appreciating and enjoying the beautiful landscape For Parishes - Better recognition as a National Park parish , more resources for maintaining rights of way, promoting tourism, planning policies which better reflect a protected landscape For Businesses – Cotswold brand recognition, improved central support, providing employment , contributing to the economy For Local Authorities – better support from a dedicated planning team for the National Park with more resources For Landowners and Farmers – consistent policies on land use and approach to agri-environment schemes, improved delivery of support at a local rather than national level For the Conservation Board – becomes National Park Authority with much greater resources and ability to manage a unified policy across the whole of the Cotswolds