How to Execute TSR Program
Install Borland C++ Download Borland C++ from LMS Install as per instructions given in the tutorial
Open Borland IDE Go to Bin folder inside BorlandC Locate BC.exe Double Click to open IDE Note: IDE stands for Integrated development environment and it is named as because Editor, Compilor, Debuger, Linker etc. are all integrated in one environment.
This is the simple program given in handouts at page#29 This is the simple program given in handouts at page#29. I have saved it as TSRCAPS.C
Click on Compile menu then compile.
Press any key to close this report. This is compilation report and it shows that our program has no errors but one warning. We will ignore that warning for now. Press any key to close this report.
To generate .com file, open DOS Command prompt, Go to D: drive and inside BORLANDC\BIN directory as shown in this figure.
This is the Command to generate .com file.
There is a warning (again) but our is generated. After command execution close this DOS window as you can see on its title bar that cmd.exe is not running purely. There is a warning (again) but our is generated.
This is our TSRCAPS.COM file located inside D:\BORLANDC\BIN
Open new instance of DOS Command prompt Open new instance of DOS Command prompt. Go to D: drive and inside BORLANDC\BIN directory as shown in this figure.
We have executed TSRCAPS We have executed TSRCAPS.COM but our text is not appearing in Capital as it should be.
Again, open new instance of DOS Command prompt Again, open new instance of DOS Command prompt. Go to D: drive and inside BORLANDC\BIN directory as shown in this figure. Before executing, just type edit to open edit program. This is done to do some internal parameter setting in order to get access to some internal resources.
Simply close edit program after opening it.
In order to execute, just type TSRCAPS.COM and press Enter.
You see cmd.exe (DOS) is running along with Now you can see, I am unable to type in lower case…even by switching ON/OFF caps-lock key.
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