eSafetyLabel+ Ambassadors Team Digital Footprint eSafetyLabel+ Ambassadors Team
Context Lesson Plan Context Topic eSafety - Digital Footprint Grade level Middle School (Grade 6-8) (11-14 years) Total learning time 90 minutes Description A lesson plan about the digital footprint and it's connection with educational, career and social prospects. Aims To help students: a) identify the significance of their digital footprints and the way those affect their online reputation, b) understand the advantages of a positive digital footprint and how to achieve it, c) realize that footprints affect their future education and job prospects.
Outcomes Outcomes Knowledge Define ‘digital footprint’ Comprehension Recognize that digital footprints can be searched or shared. Recognize actions that leave footprints. Application Relate online safety with real life safety. Relate their future career with their on line reputation. Analysis Identify certain personal details that should keep private. Synthesis Develop positive digital footprints. Formulate ideas about what to do/don’t in order to protect their digital footprint. Evaluation Evaluate what information is appropriate to be put online. Judge positive and negative footprints.
Overview Lesson’s Sections Introduction Outcomes Lesson’s Sections Knowledge Introduction Comprehension What is a (positive/negative) digital footprint Application Who might care about your digital footprint? Analysis Negative consequences of a digital footprint Synthesis How to protect your digital footprint Evaluation Evaluation - Self Assessment Questionnaire
Introduction The aim of the introductory video and the discussion SECTION 5 MIN Introduction The aim of the introductory video and the discussion that follows is to stimulate the interest of the students. Data Protection Day, European Commission, Published on 24 Jan 2011 This video is available online at: Activity 0
What is a (positive/negative) digital footprint SECTION 20 MIN What is a (positive/negative) digital footprint In Activity 1.1 students have to discover the meaning of the term: digital footprint. Students working in couples have to study the 6 pictures of Activity 1.2 which aims to enable them: a) to understand that online actions leave footprints and b) to evaluate a footprint as positive or negative. The students have to find arguments to support their opinion and complete the worksheet. Discussion among the students about the findings of the previous activity. Presentation Activity 1.1 Activity 1.2 Worksheet
Who might care about your digital footprint? SECTION 20 MIN Who might care about your digital footprint? In this section, in Activity 2, through the study of article snippets and the discussion that follows, students: a) seek to find out who might be interested in their digital footprints, b) realize that these footprints can be searched and disseminated, c) relate their future social life and career with their digital footprints. The findings are recorded in the activity's worksheet. Activity 2 Worksheet
Negative consequences of a digital footprint (1/2) SECTION 20 MIN Negative consequences of a digital footprint (1/2) The third section emphasizes on negative consequences of a digital footprint through seven case studies, Activities 3.1 - 3.7. In Activity 3, the jigsaw technique is used. Class is divided into groups. Each group studies one case and records their findings in the activity's worksheet, then reports back their observations and key reflections in plenary. Activity 3.1 Activity 3.2 Activity 3.3 Activity 3.4
Negative consequences of a digital footprint (2/2) SECTION 20 MIN Negative consequences of a digital footprint (2/2) Activity 3 aims: a) the association of online security with real-life security, b) the recognition of personal information that have to remain undisclosed, c) the ability to evaluate information that is appropriate for disclosure. Activity 3.5 Activity 3.6 Activity 3.7 Worksheet
How to protect your digital footprint SECTION 15 MIN How to protect your digital footprint The experience gained in the previous sections is used in Activity 4. Students are asked to decide what actions, attitudes or practices should be applied and what should be avoided in order to ensure positive digital footprints and their safety in general. The findings are summarized into an infographic. Activity 4 Worksheet
Evaluation - Self Assessment Questionnaire SECTION 10 MIN Evaluation - Self Assessment Questionnaire The evaluation questionnaire in Activity 5 allows both teacher and students to rate: a) the degree of familiarity with the concept of digital footprint, b) the acknowledgement of its significance and the way in which it affects their future, but also c) the ability to make the right choices and decisions in their online life. Activity 5