Welcome to Adapting Project TIPS: Teaching Interdisciplinary Problem Solving through Educational Technology
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TIPS Was Created by: Jim Carroll Joe Montecalvo
TIPS Is Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning
Over 600 Bronx Secondary Teachers Implemented TIPS with thousands of students (2000—2005) under a $7M+ Grant
In April and May of 2012, Jim Carroll with assistance from Joe Montecalvo, Elsa Nunez, Sal Fernandez and other administrators wrote a successful NYSED Learning Technology Grant (LTG)
TIPS/LTG Staff: Jim Carroll and Joe Montecalvo
Our Philosophy CHARLES SCHULTZ Jean Piaget? Jean-Jacques Rousseau? Aristotle? John Dewey?
Facing the rear of the ship:
Facing our deck chairs toward the rear of the ship… TIPS is the Internet version of Project LEGAL which has adoption schools in over 1500 school districts since 1983
Facing our deck chairs forward:
Facing our deck chairs forward: Transforming Teaching and Learning at JHS 52 Inwood P.S. 98 Our Lady Queen of Martyrs
Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Students learn by constructing their own knowledge through The Public Policy Analyst (PPA)
Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Teachers serve as co-learners, mentors, coaches and resources to engage students to use technologies to solve problems, think critically and answer their own questions.
Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Curriculum is restructured to engage students in solving real-world problems embedded in your curricula that relate to state standards. In-depth knowledge, analysis and application of major concepts are emphasized.
Examples of Social Problems: Science Global Warming Natural Disasters Diseases Acid Rain Pollution Birth Defects Obesity Malnutrition Energy Shortage Waste Management
Examples of Social Problems: Social Studies Poverty Racism Depression Immigration Terrorism Wars Shortage of Resources Civil Rights Quality Education
Examples of Social Problems: Sources for ELA Problems Short Stories Novels Plays Term Papers/Research
Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Classrooms have Internet connectivity and can collaborate on common problems.
Our Vision for Transforming Teaching and Learning Performance-based assessment of student products published on the world wide web; also, self-assessments and monitoring of progress toward improvement on state content standards.
After today’s workshop… There will be one more workshop
After today’s workshop… You will be expected to develop a PowerPoint and WebQuest Ongoing help from staff developers in developing your WebQuest by e-mail, listserv & phone
How Will the TIPS/LTG Project Benefit You?
Jim Carroll, Ph.D. jcarroll@syr.edu Or Joe Montecalvo Any Questions? Jim Carroll, Ph.D. jcarroll@syr.edu Or Joe Montecalvo jmonteca@maxwell.syr.edu http://flippedtips.com/plegal/ltginwood3/ltg.html 315-472-8461 Jim or 315-466-2444 Joe
In Closing
Keep Your Deck Chairs Facing Forward!!!