Program Name or Ancillary Meeting the Principles of High Performance Sustainable Buildings Prepared by: Monja Vadnais PE, LEED-AP June 15, 2011
Page 2 History Guiding Principles of Sustainability Fact / Fiction Summary Table - Meeting the Guiding Principles Questions Agenda 6/15/2011
Page 3 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment - A Toolkit for Understanding and Action (Island Press, 2007) –Population: Human population doubled between 1960 – 2000 –Land: Nearly a 25% of the land surface is now cultivated. –Freshwater: Water taken from rivers and lakes for irrigation, household and industrial use doubled in the last 40 years. –Pollution: Nitrogen has doubled in the environment. –Climate Change: The planets mean surface temperature will rise by 2½ to 10˚F Sea levels expected to rise between 3½ - 35 inches –Fisheries: At least 25% of marine fish stocks are overexploited or significantly depleted. –Diversity of life: Humans are currently responsible for the sixth major extinction event in the history of the Earth Sustainability Does It Really Matter and Why Now ??? 6/15/2011
Page 4 Used Resources with Little Consideration Recognize Todays Choices Impacts Tomorrows Resources Create Realistic Long Term Sustainable Goals PRESENT Guiding Principles FUTURE PAST Sustainability – Past, Present, Future 6/15/2011
Page 5 Timeline of Key Documents: 2006 –DOE signed the Guiding Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings 2007 –Executive Order (E.O.) 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management 2008 –High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance 2009 –E.O , Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance 2010 –DOE Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (SSPP) 2011 –DOE Strategic Plan Guiding Principles - History 6/15/2011
Page HPSB Guidance: 1)Updated the Guiding Principles for New Construction/Major Renovations 2)Established separate Guiding Principles for Existing Buildings New Construction vs. Existing Buildings: Similarities: 1)5 major categories 2)Most sub-categories are identical or very similar 3)Both contribute equally to the 15% target by 2015 Differences: 1)Multiple options provided to meet goals / more flexibility 2)During Construction requirements removed 2008 Guidance on GPs for New Construction & Existing Buildings 6/15/2011
Page 7 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials The Guiding Principles (GPs) of Sustainability 6/15/2011
Page 8 My building cant meet the Guiding Principles because … 1.There are no windows so the daylighting requirements cant be met 2.It doesnt have water or electricity 3.It was built based on the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code; theres no way we can reduce indoor water by 20% Other misc comments … 1.Meters arent needed 2.Policies & procedures must be at the asset level Fact or Fiction ? Meeting the GPs for Existing Buildings 6/15/2011
Page 9 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials Guiding Principles (GPs) of Sustainability: Existing Buildings a.Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management b.Commissioning 6/15/2011
Page 10 Requirements: 1.Use an integrated team to develop and implement policy regarding sustainable operations and maintenance (O&M) 2.Establish operational performance goals end ensure incorporation of these goals throughout the remaining lifecycle of the building 3.Incorporate sustainable operations and maintenance (O&M) practices within the appropriate Environmental Management System (EMS) 4.Incorporate a building management plan to ensure operating decisions and tenant education are carried out with regard to integrated, sustainable building O&M 5.Augment O&M using occupant feedback on workspace satisfaction Way Forward: Policy and procedures changes – site or asset level Develop tenant educational awareness and workspace satisfaction survey tools Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #1a – Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management 6/15/2011
Page 11 Requirements: 1.Assess the existing condition and operational procedures for the building and its major systems to identify areas for improvement 2.Employ re-commissioning, tailored to the size and complexity of the building to optimize and verify performance of fundamental building systems Must be performed by an experienced commissioning provider Must be within 4 years of reporting a building as meeting the GPs Way Forward: Establish re-commissioning programs – Site, Program, DOE-wide Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #1b – Commissioning 6/15/2011
Page 12 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials The Guiding Principles of Sustainability a.Energy Efficiency b.Measurement & Verification c.On-Site Renewable Energy d.Benchmarking 6/15/2011
Page 13 Requirements: 1.Three Options can be used to measure energy efficiency performance: Option 1 – Receive an Energy Star ® rating of 75 or higher Option 2 – Reduce measured energy use by 20% compared to building energy use in 2003 or thereafter Option 3 – Reduce energy use by 20% compared to the ASHRAE baseline building design if design information is available 2.Use Energy Star ® and FEMP designated Energy Efficient Products Way Forward: Policy and procedures changes – site or asset level Execute metering program to achieve goals contained in the SSPP Establish a meter data repository Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #2a – Energy Efficiency 6/15/2011
Page 14 Requirements: 1.Install building level electricity meters to track & continuously optimize performance. (Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005) 2.Install building level natural gas and steam meters where applicable (Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) 2007) Way Forward (similar to GP #2a): Execute metering program to achieve goals contained in the SSPP Establish a meter data repository Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #2b – Measurement & Verification 6/15/2011
Page 15 Requirements: 1.Implement renewable energy generation on-site when life-cycle cost effective (Executive Order 13423) Way Forward: Develop Site Level Policy Develop Economic Analysis at Asset Level Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #2c – On-Site Renewable Energy 6/15/2011 POLICY
Page 16 Requirements: 1.Compare annual performance data with previous years performance data. Use Energy Star ® Portfolio Manager, Labs 21, or Other equivalent benchmarking tool Way Forward: Develop Site Level Policy Create / Use Data Tracking System Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #2d – Benchmarking 6/15/2011
Page 17 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials The Guiding Principles of Sustainability a.Indoor Water b.Outdoor Water c.Process Water d.Storm Water e.Water Efficient Products 6/15/2011
Page 18 Requirements: 1.Two Options can be used to measure indoor potable water use performance: Option 1 – Reduce by 20% compared to a water baseline calculated for the building. – 1994 or newer fixtures – 120% of Uniform Plumbing Codes 2006 or the International Plumbing Codes 2006 fixture performance requirements – Before 1994 fixtures – 160% of Uniform Plumbing Codes 2006 or the International Plumbing Codes 2006 fixture performance requirements Option 2 – Reduce measured potable water use by 20% compared to building potable water use in 2003 or thereafter Way Forward: If asset has all low flow (WaterSense) fixtures, limited potable water use (such as in an office building) – extremely likely to meet requirements Perform baseline calculations and fixture replacement scenarios – determine what is required for replacement Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #3a – Indoor Water 6/15/2011
Page 19 Requirements: 1.Three Options can be used to measure outdoor potable water use performance: Option 1 – Reduce potable irrigation water use by 50% compared to conventional methods Option 2 – Reduce building related potable irrigation water use by 50% compared to measured irrigation water use in 2003 or thereafter Option 3 – Use no potable irrigation water Way Forward: Develop outdoor water use policy Eliminate irrigation watering Use non-potable water for irrigation Meter potable irrigation water Modify existing irrigation system Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #3b – Outdoor Water (Measurement of Water - Buildings with significant indoor and outdoor water use is encouraged. If only one meter, reduce potable water use by at least 20% compared to building water use in 2003 or a year thereafter.) 6/15/2011
Page 20 Requirements: 1.Where potable water is used to improve a buildings efficiency, deploy life cycle cost effective water conservation measures. (EPAct 2005 Section 109) Way Forward: Develop a process water use policy Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #3c – Process Water POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 21 Requirements: 1.Employ Strategies that reduce storm water runoff and discharges of polluted water offsite. (EISA Section 438) Way Forward: Develop a storm water management policy Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #3d – Storm Water POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 22 Requirements: 1.Use EPAs WaterSense ® labeled products or equivalent 2.Use irrigation contractors that are certified through a WaterSense ® labeled program Way Forward: Develop purchasing policy Develop purchasing and O&M policies Modify existing purchasing, maintenance, etc. contracts Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #3e – Water Efficient Products 6/15/2011
Page 23 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials The Guiding Principles of Sustainability a.Ventilation & Thermal Comfort b.Moisture Control c.Low Emitting Materials d.Day-Lighting & Lighting Controls e.Integrated Pest Management f.Tobacco Smoke Control 6/15/2011
Page 24 Requirements: 1.Meet ASHRAE Standard , Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy 2.Meet ASHRAE Standard , Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality Way Forward: Review initial design requirements / documentation (if available) Incorporate requirements into initial building assessment and re- commissioning Develop site level policy requiring as a minimum Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #4a – Ventilation and Thermal Comfort 6/15/2011
Page 25 Requirements: 1.Provide policy and illustrate usage of Moisture Control Strategy Prevent building damage Minimize mold contamination Reduce health risks related to moisture Way Forward: Develop a site policy Document implementation efforts Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #4b – Moisture Control POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 26 Requirements: 1.Use low pollutant emitting materials Composite wood products, adhesives, solvents, sealants Carpet Systems, janitorial supplies, furnishings Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #4c – Low Emitting Materials POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 27 Requirements: 1.Provide automated lighting controls (e.g. occupancy/vacancy sensors) 2.Two Options can be used to meet additional day-lighting and lighting control performance expectations: Option 1 – Achieve a minimum day-lighting factor of 2% in 50% of all occupied space used for critical visual tasks Option 2 – Provide occupant controlled lighting, allowing for adjustments to suit individual task needs, for 50% of regularly occupied space Way Forward: Provide desk lamps or individual cubicle lighting Install occupancy sensors in areas of fluctuated use Install occupancy sensors in large work areas Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #4d – Daylighting and Lighting Controls 6/15/2011
Page 28 Requirements: 1.Use EPA registered pesticides only 2.Minimize pesticide usage Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #4e – Integrated Pest Management 6/15/2011 POLICY
Page 29 Requirements: 1.Prohibit smoking within the building 2.Prohibit smoking within 25 feet of entrances, operable windows and ventilation intakes Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #4f – Tobacco Smoke Control POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 30 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials The Guiding Principles of Sustainability a.Recycled Content b.Bio-based Content c.Environmentally Preferred Products d.Waste & Materials Management e.Ozone Depleting Substances 6/15/2011
Page 31 Requirements: 1.For building modifications, maintenance and cleaning provide preferences for: (RCRA Section 6002) EPA designated products: meet or exceed recycled content recommendations Other products: (Postconsumer recycled content ) + (½ pre-consumer content) >= 10% of the materials in the project Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Incorporate into occupant sustainability awareness training (GP# 1a) Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #5a – Recycled Content 6/15/2011
Page 32 Requirements: 1.For building construction, operation and maintenance provide preferences for: (FSRIA Section 9002) For USDA designated products: use products with the highest content level Other products: use products made from: – Rapidly renewable resources – Certified sustainable wood products Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Incorporate into occupant sustainability awareness training (GP# 1a) Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #5b – Bio-based Content 6/15/2011
Page 33 Requirements: 1.Use products that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment over their lifecycle when compared to competing products or services that serve the same purpose Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Incorporate into occupant sustainability awareness training (GP# 1a) Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #5c – Environmentally Preferred Products POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 34 Requirements: 1.Provide reuse and recycling services for building occupants 2.Provide salvage, reuse and recycling services for Waste from operations, maintenance, repair, and minor renovations Discarded furniture Equipment Property Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Incorporate into occupant sustainability awareness training (GP# 1a) Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #5d – Waste and Materials Management POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 35 Requirements: 1.Eliminate the use of ODCs where alternative environmentally preferable products are available Way Forward: Develop a site policy Incorporate into existing contracts Review existing applications and select alternative products/equipment where applicable Guiding Principle Requirements: GP #5e – Ozone Depleting Compounds (ODC) POLICY 6/15/2011
Page 36 The GPs of High Performance and Sustainable Buildings: 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles 2)Optimize Energy Performance 3)Protect & Conserve Water 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials The Guiding Principles (GPs) of Sustainability 6/15/2011
Page 37 My building cant meet the Guiding Principles because … 1.There are no windows so the lighting requirements cant be met 2.It doesnt have water or electricity 3.It was built based on the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code; theres no way we can reduce indoor water by 20% Other misc comments … 1.Meters arent needed 2.Policies & procedures must be at the asset level Fact or Fiction ? Meeting the GPs for Existing Buildings 6/15/2011 FALSE
Page 38 1)Employ Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Principles a.Integrated Assessment, Operation & Management Met Thru: Policy & Normal Operation b.CommissioningMet Thru: Commissioning Activities 2)Optimize Energy Performance a.Energy EfficiencyMet Thru: Analysis & Meter Installation b.Measurement & VerificationMet Thru: Meter Installation c.On-Site Renewable EnergyMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operations d.BenchmarkingMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operations 3)Protect & Conserve Water a.Indoor WaterMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operations b.Outdoor WaterMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operations c.Process WaterMet Thru: Policies d.Storm WaterMet Thru: Policies e.Water Efficient ProductsMet Thru: Policies Ability to Comply with Guiding Principle Sub-Categories 6/15/2011
Page 39 4)Enhance Indoor Environmental Quality a.Ventilation & Thermal ComfortMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operation b.Moisture ControlMet Thru: Policies c.Low Emitting MaterialsMet Thru: Policies d.Day-Lighting & Lighting ControlsMet Thru: Occupancy Sensors and Policy e.Integrated Pest ManagementMet Thru: Policies f.Tobacco Smoke ControlMet Thru: Policies 5)Reduce Environmental Impact of Materials a.Recycled ContentMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operation b.Bio-based ContentMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operation c.Environmentally Preferred ProductsMet Thru: Policies d.Waste & Materials ManagementMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operation e.Ozone Depleting SubstancesMet Thru: Policy & Normal Operation Ability to Comply with Guiding Principle Sub-Categories (continued) KEY:Ability to Comply (on a per asset level): Easy - Policy development, contract modification, etc Moderate – Operational changes, new processes Challenging – Funding, contract requirements, behind schedule 6/15/2011
Page 40 ??? QUESTIONS ???