NuTel Video Conference 6/13/2003 M.A. Huang Event Rate Estimation NuTel Video Conference 6/13/2003 M.A. Huang 6/13/2003
Monte Carlo simulation Uniform and isotopic distribution of neutrino trajectory. Interaction of mountain/sea/atmosphere Cross-section Inelasticity Tau energy loss and decay Tau decay and initiate shower Shower simulation Detector simulation 6/13/2003
Progress report Individual event simulation is not finish yet! No shower and photon information. No exact trigger condition. Preliminary estimation of event rate by Trigger simulation photo-electron density Shower simulation maximum detectable distance MC simulation triggered events acceptance Tau flux Event rate 6/13/2003
Monte-Carlo simulation Ntot =106 Neutrino trajectories are simulated Uniform distribution in impact points Isotropic distribution in arrival directions Rp V D Detector - Neutrino plane Rp V Detector Rp : impact parameter D : distance to impact point 6/13/2003
Uniform Distribution Uniform distribution in impact points number density = Ntot / total volume dN/dR = 4R2 Rp=Rmax* P1/3 ; P: random probability cos: -1 to +1 : -180 º to +180º 6/13/2003
Isotropic Vz Rp V Vy Vx Detector Select random vector on plane perpendicular to Rp vector, then rotate it back to detector coordinate. Rp V Detector Vy Vx 6/13/2003
Simulated Acceptance Generated acceptance AMC = 2 3 R 2 For R = 5 km, AMC 1550 km2 sr r Detector R 6/13/2003
Trigger conditions 1015 eV electron showers, injected from 20, 30, 40 km from detector plan. Two types of Trigger 50 /m2 200 /m2 Details see S.C. Hsu’s talk D 200 /m2 50 /m2 Rp 6/13/2003
Range of impact parameter Event can be triggered if Rp-D inside phase space of trigger region shown above. D must be greater than 5 km, to allow shower development Rp V D Detector - Neutrino plane 6/13/2003
Field of View Loa (8º32º) : :90º - 98º ; : 114º -146º Peak of Loa and Kea disappear! Too far! Loa (8º32º) : :90º - 98º ; : 114º -146º Kea (8º32º) : :91º - 99º ; : 54º - 86º Loa + Kea (12º100º) : :89º - 101º ; : 50º - 150º 6/13/2003
Triggered events Earth skimming events dominate, most events coming from bottom of valley. 6/13/2003
Acceptance Ntr: # of events pass trigger conditions Atr: Triggered acceptance Ntot: # of events in simulation = 106 AMC: Simulate acceptance = 1550 km2 sr 6/13/2003
Acceptance Trigger at 50 /m2 6/13/2003
Acceptance Trigger at 200 /m2 6/13/2003
Tau flux Tau flux at 1-30 PeV ~ 2-51034 (cm2 sr s eV)1 1 to 30 PeV Tau flux at 1-30 PeV ~ 2-51034 (cm2 sr s eV)1 Consistent fluxes from calculations of La Babara and G.L. Lin. Integrated flux from 1 to 30 PeV, ~ 30. (km2 sr yr) 1 45.7 (km2 sr yr) 1 if use peak value 5 1034 (cm2 sr s eV)1 6/13/2003
Event Rate Event rate R = A0.1 Assume 10% duty time Number of trigger event per year 6/13/2003
Discussion Based on 1015 eV shower, E 2.51015 eV Expect higher acceptance at higher energy, Event rate could be higher than estimated value. Average distance to impact point ~ 10 km, Best site should have valley width 25 Km For AGN-, NuTel could detect several events per year at E=1-30 PeV. 6/13/2003