Welcome to P4 Mr Baines
Task Boards – Differentiating work
Standard units of measure Numeracy Topics – Term 1: Number bonds 2,5,8,10 times tables Standard units of measure Differentiation in maths: groups using task boards, open tasks (todays date), collaborative learning groupings
Reading comprehension Literacy Following areas taught every week: Reading comprehension Reading groups Taught writing Spelling/Grammar Handwriting Grammar carousel (antonyms and synonyms): mixed ability groupings
Blether stations (collaborative groups)
IDL (Social Studies) Term 1: Local community study Term 2: Enterprise Term 3: Local environmental study Term 4: Significant individual in history Science: Space and Forces/Electricity (parachute activity- topical science)
Homework 1 jotter – spelling at front, maths at back as well as some reading each week. Homework is issued on a Monday and returned to me on Friday. Newsletter – spelling instructions based on a 4 week programme for each taught phoneme. Approx 30mins per night
Our classroom Class Dojo Class captains Class jobs Reading corner and scratch map Class charter – our rights Hanging display Birthdays Growth mindset Achievement tree
Our classroom
Our rights Article 19 – You have the right to be protected from being hurt and mistreated, in body or mind. Article 28 – You have the right to a good quality education. Article 12 - You have the right to give your opinion, and for it to be listened to and taken seriously.
Please share any achievements that your son/daughter has celebrated outside of school.
Resources on tables On your table you will find the following resources to look through: Maths textbooks Reading comprehension box cards Timetable Newsletter Spelling homework Maths homework