South Asia “What do all these Places look like?”
Northern Plains or Indo-gangetic Plain Where does the word “indo” come from? Indus River How about the word “gangetic”? Ganges
Indus River Where does the Indus river flow? Arabian Sea
Into what body of water do the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers flow? The Bay of Bengal
Brahmaputra and Ganges Rivers
Thar Desert
New Delhi
Praying and Bathing in the Ganges
A Different Idea of Clean See anything odd??? Dead cow floating in front of bathers.
Sri Lanka
Beautiful Beaches
Buddhist Temple on Island of Sri Lanka
Deluxe Digs in the Maldives
Just One More …
Traveling West to Lahore, Pakistan
Karachi, Pakistan
Khyber Pass – located between Kabul, Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan
Khyber Pass
Mt. Everest
Nomad Tents
Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal