Vocabulary exercise Unit 20
Fill in the blanks with a suitable word. We deserve the right to w_____ an order if we believe that the terms of contract are too severe. (not give) During contract negotiations, management may be forced to c_______ on certain issues in order to stop the sabotage.(yield) The staff will do everything in their power to meet any planned delivery s______. (the rate and timing of delivery) For nearly all contracts, late payment is a b________of contract. (breaking, a failure to do what is stated in the contract) So, if not remedied s_________ (fast), the contractor has the full right to s_______ the opposite party (bring to court). Opposite party *
In deals of any complexity there will often be a lot of e______________ negotiation before the shape of the final contract begins to emerge (research). This is a s___________ version of our programme (easy to understand, not complex). We have finally reached a b________ with the antique dealer over the lamp. (an agreement establishing the terms of a contract)
The conferences t_____ p____ in Belgrade. (happen, be held) In the confirmation of order the buyer will be informed about the each order valid c_______ of payment. (terms) We can p______ the delivery date till the purchase price sum has completely be paid (delay). The only way to resolve the d_______ is in court. (argument) We will not make c____ p_____ for any cancellation/changes caused as a result 'force majeure‘ (refund)