Ebenezer Baptist Church GOD fearing but…. Ebenezer Baptist Church 2.23.19
Mere good, great, fantastic even Godly works are not enough. Cornelius was Devout Faithful, pious, religious, genuine upward and outward, living a “God pleasing” life. Righteous(vs. 22)-not justified, but lived by sound moral principles.
Cornelius was God Fearing Intensely attracted to the moral, ethical and spiritual aspects of Judaism. Monotheistic Gentile who worshiped the God of the Old Testament, kept the Old Testament ethical code, attended synagogue…
Weary of the gods and the immoralities and the frustration of their ancestral faith, which would have been very polytheistic. Reverence of God Puritan Charles Bridges "that affectionate reverence by which one bends himself humbly and
carefully to his Father's law carefully to his Father's law. His wrath is so bitter, and His love so sweet; that hence springs an earnest desire to please Him, and because of the danger of coming short from his own weakness and temptations a holy watchfulness and fear, 'that he might not sin against Him."
Critical note…it wasn’t just Cornelius that feared God but his entire household, not just his family. Cornelius was Generous Gave away a lot of money to the Jews. His generosity was colorblind
He was sympathetic and compassionate Cornelius was a Praying Man Not only did he believe in prayer but he prayed continually. Cornelius the unregenerate solider would have put me to shame.
He prayed regularly and with great intensity as the Greek word would indicate.
Light is Essential for Regeneration (II Cor. 4:4-6) Right living apart from the light of the gospel is simply just right living. Faith is the beginning point, not right living (II Peter 1:3-11) Moralism never saves, it condemns one just as easily as immorality.
God has not left us without revelation necessary for salvation. General revelation-God communicating to man His existence and His character through nature and reasoning, apart from any words or language. (Rom. 1 so we are without excuse)
Special revelation-God communicating to man using words and other supernatural means. (praise God, He didn’t just leave us with nature and reasoning) What have you done with the light that has been given you?