The Oase Skull Philippa Knowles
Where was the Oase skull found? The Oase skull was found in Peştera cu Oase in the west of England.
How old is the Oase skull? The Oase skull is 35,000 years old.
How do we know that it’s definitely a modern human i.e. Homo Sapiens? We know it is a Homo Sapiens because of the features of the skull but the skull does have some properties of a Neanderthal’s skull.
How is the Oase skull different from ours? The skull is different from ours because it has a retreated forehead.
What colour skin would the person have had and why? Scientists think that the colour of the Oase skull’s skin would have been a light brown because the person was probably born near enough to the equator to be that colour.
A recreation of the Oase skull
The Actual Skull
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