Tuesday, December 12, 2017 (Begin Discovery Education Unit - Minerals; Concept - Mineral Characteristics and Classification)
The Launch Pad Tuesday, 12/12/17 These minerals are displaying different ___________________. cleavage patterns This mineral is being tested for __________. hardness This mineral is being tested for ________________. streak color
We will take Quiz 8 on Thursday! Announcements We will take Quiz 8 on Thursday!
F7 F8 F9 F10 12/8 F5 & F6 Last Day Accepted Tomorrow TODAY AssignmentTODAY Summative or Formative # Date Issued Gone Missing Day Last Day Accepted Lab – The Geologic Time Scale F5 & F6 11/29 Overdue eResearch Paper - The Geologic Time Scale F7 12/8 Tomorrow Worksheet - The Geologic Time Scale F8 12/5 Worksheet – Mineral Properties F9 12/6 TODAY Worksheet – Minerals – The Learning Zone F10 12/7
Begin Discovery Education Unit Unit: Minerals Concept: Mineral Characteristics and Classification Go to www.discoveryeducation.com and login. Scroll down to the bottom of your homepage and click on the “Science Techbook” link. Find the Unit titled “Minerals” and click on it. Choose the Concept titled “Mineral Characteristics and Classification.” Begin reading, watching the videos, and doing the activities. When you reach the bottom of the page, click the NEXT button and proceed through the Concept.