The Life of Christ Lesson 5 – From Judea to Galilee Retiring to Galilee – Matthew 4:12, 17; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 3:19-20; Luke 4:14-15; John 4:1-54 Preaching in Capernaum – Matthew 4:13-16, 18-25; 8:14-17; Mark 1:16-39; Luke 4:31-44; 5:1-11
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” Jesus said if you knew who I was, you’d be asking Me for a drink of “living water.” Jeremiah 2:13; 17:13 Just like Nicodemus, this woman is having a difficult time understanding spiritual concepts with a fleshly mindset. “You have nothing to draw with … where then do you get that living water?”
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” Her logic is that “our father Jacob” needed something to draw out the water, are You “greater” than him? Interesting; the Greek word for “greater” means “larger (literally or figuratively, specifically in age).” (Strong) See John 8:53
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” Jesus’ response: John 4:13-14, “Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again …” How long do the blessings of this life satisfy? The same can be said of our food. Ecclesiastes 6:7; Isaiah 55:1-2
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:10-14 Jesus introduces “living water” Jesus’ response: John 4:14, “… but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him …” “Shall never thirst” “Will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life” Man has needs far beyond just food and water! Psalms 107:9; Isaiah 49:10; John 6:27, 35, 48-51, 57-58; 7:37-38; Revelation 21:6; 22:17 There’s something more to life. Luke 12:23
Jesus introduces “living water” John 4:15 Jesus introduces “living water” The woman’s response: Still with a fleshly mindset, she seeks the water Jesus offered so she wouldn’t have to: Be physically thirsty. John 6:34 Come to this well to get her water. Are we looking to the Lord to simply make this life easier?
Jesus introduces Himself John 4:16-19 Jesus introduces Himself Jesus speaks of her marital situation and in so doing: Proves who He is by knowing things about her that He shouldn’t know. Points out her sinful condition and her need for such living water. Luke 5:8; John 8:11. – Address the need this living water was designed for.