Information and outreach Key Result Area 3: Sustainable management of coastal fisheries, resources and ecosystems Information and outreach
Obstacles to effective participation in effective decision-making due to lack of access to information constitute some of the issues affecting the region Particularly true in fisheries, and for fishing communities, mostly living in remote places, having a very limited access to info, unaware of policies, regulations, etc. Empowering communities, particularly important in the context of the New Song.
Outreach activities including adaptation with communities Targeted outreach activities in Melanesian countries for a start Linked to the communications work Assist with the dissemination of information through a targeted approach in specific areas where coastal resources are dwindling Importance of the integration of the various components of the project, and integration with other projects (e.g. MFAT Governance) and other SPC activities. Gender… Cite the various tools that could be used: printed docs, radio programmes, videos, animation, social media, web applications, mobile apps, etc.
© D. Bero
Outreach activities including adaptation with communities Approach then expanded to other countries and locations as the project progresses, using messages and materials from other components of the PEUMP project Linked to the fisheries governance project and other activities undertaken by SPC and LMMA, with other NGOs used where appropriate. What will be specific about other countries (SIS), why strategies might be different, why information tools used might be different.
SPC led - Outreach activities including adaptation with communities First activities may include: Inventory and assessment of outreach activities and associated information products used in countries Assessment of information strategies, if any: How is the information disseminated by Fisheries Agencies? Does it reach communities? Is it taken on-board?
SPC led - Outreach activities including adaptation with communities One position created for this component of the PEUMP programme 75% funded by PEUMP, and 25% funded from the MFAT (New Zealand) Coastal Fisheries Management/Governance Project Céline Muron Outreach and Information Officer Present Céline Muron?
LMMA led - Outreach activities including adaptation with communities One tender to cover 4 countries Match the four countries that are in KRA 3.5/3.6 Build, test and establish national strategies for information delivery Provide broader regional information sharing support for communities/LMMA Present Céline Muron?
Aims Develop national (exceptionally provincial) information/communications strategies and plans The information strategy rely on national media to reach a maximum number of communities at low cost = sustainable The communications strategy will refine, expand and advance information approaches and engagement tools - through national community networks, communications trainings/mentoring etc. Develop cost-effective strategies to share communities views and concerns regularly at a national level. Towards increasing and formalizing the input of communities to government decision-making. Address the implications and need for transparency and accountability to ensure good governance of coastal fisheries. Develop national (exceptionally provincial only) information/communications strategies and plans to ensure relevant information is available and presented in compelling, culturally-appropriate ways to all coastal communities and relevant decision-makers. Implement and mentor. The information strategy is expected to rely on national media to reach a maximum number of communities at cost. In addition, where appropriate, provincial scale implementation, including site-level tools/information and engagement approaches that are appropriate for local communities in each country. The communications strategy will refine, expand and advance information approaches and engagement tools from communities through national community networks, in addition to all relevant government ministries. Where networks are less defined efforts should be made to convene key partners and foster LMMA-centred partnerships and collaboration. Communications trainings/mentoring might also be warranted for key outreach officers. Develop cost-effective strategies to share communities views and concerns regularly at a national level. The aims of other LMMA components include increasing and formalizing the input of communities to government decision-making and this should be supported if possible. Address the implications and need for transparency and accountability to ensure good governance of coastal fisheries.
Outcomes Communities and governments have relevant and context-appropriate information to make critical decisions on management and policy by governments and communities. Information and systems in place to ensure all community and other decision makers are and stay informed and able to make better resource management decisions beyond the life of the project Communities regularly receive or may be reasonably expected to receive regular and pertinent information at a wide scale – between 50-100% of all communities as an indicative range. Towards: transparency and accountability and ensuring community voices are part of national policy and decision-making Also: Support for LMMA International regional information services
Criteria for action-oriented public information products (e. g Criteria for action-oriented public information products (e.g. Solomon Is.) Specific: Address specific problems that people or communities are facing, if necessary it should help communities detect or identify emerging problems (e.g. if you are having to travel further to catch fish…) Targeted: Clearly designed for specific recipients and their needs – community members may benefit from specific consideration to the way the information is presented Practical: Information should assist targets in identifying issues BUT ALSO provide tested examples of possible practical actions and solutions people can try Linking. Provide an entry point for seeking further information or support either through others working on this (pilot communities) or various service providers (e.g. names and addresses of provincial or local communities or offices that can provide more info).
Levels of CBRM Awareness and role of information activities (pilot in SI) Purpose Content Target Outcomes Level 1 General and simple awareness for all Importance of resources Bio and eco info (e.g. cycles) Are your resources declining? Can you do anything about it? Contact for more support All people and communities (4000) More value given to resources Able to self diagnosis problems Able to take simple actions or seek further support Level 2 “follow-up” (requests provoked by level 1) Specific management processes and actions Specific advice for situation People who request more assistance (10%?) More awareness Simple community plans, rules or actions taken Getting over “the hump” Level 3 Assist with technical problems or make a management plan Management plan development Protected area planning Disaster prevention? Taking action on mining or logging Motivated or needy communities (100? 2-3%) Management plans in place Protected area declared Disaster or adaptation plan Review or intervention on mining or logging impacts
Levels of CBRM Awareness and role of information activities (pilot in SI) Purpose Content Target Outcomes Level 1 General and simple awareness for all Importance of resources Bio and eco info (e.g. cycles) Are your resources declining? Can you do anything about it? Contact for more support All people and communities (4000) More value given to resources Able to self diagnosis problems Able to take simple actions or seek further support Level 2 “follow-up” (requests provoked by level 1) Specific management processes and actions Specific advice for situation People who request more assistance (10%?) More awareness Simple community plans, rules or actions taken Getting over “the hump” Level 3 Assist with technical problems or make a management plan Management plan development Protected area planning Disaster prevention? Taking action on mining or logging Motivated or needy communities (100? 2-3%) Management plans in place Protected area declared Disaster or adaptation plan Review or intervention on mining or logging impacts
Information to all: National radio and municipal outreach
If you have a little support for sites: Respond to priority requests strategically
Can sites infect / demonstrate to others?
Can sites / communities jointly resolve wider (ecosystem) issues Can sites / communities jointly resolve wider (ecosystem) issues? Represent their views and needs to government?