UPDATE: Pacific Regional Navigation Initiative (PRNI) Adam Greenland | National Hydrographer
Jan 2018, MOU extended to June 2021 Additional NZ$2.2m NZ Aid Programme Activity 5 year, $5 million programme of works Partnership - MFAT, LINZ and SPC Focus on navigation-related aspects of maritime safety Builds on success on SWPRHP Jan 2018, MOU extended to June 2021 Additional NZ$2.2m Capacity Building Mitigation Measures
PRNI Activity Outputs PRNI Output 2: Output 1: Pacific-wide Data Discovery SPC to search database to identify data with potential for use to improve quality of existing charts SPC to work with PICs to release data to Primary Charting Authorities Output 2: Hydrographic Risk Assessment LINZ to undertake risk assessments for Niue, Samoa & Tokelau Output 3: Capability/Capacity Building LINZ to work with NZ 5 PICs on annual plans to increase capability following IHO framework LINZ to assess NZ 5 PICs requirements for AtoN SPC focus on other prioritised PICs to build capability and develop annual plans for improved legislation and AtoN Output 4: Mitigation Measures LINZ to lead prioritising and project managing mitigation measures including AtoN, hydrographic surveys and chart modernisation Output 5: Pacific-wide Partnerships NZ to work with regional partners, development donors, PICs and private sector to develop partnerships for improving navigation safety PRNI LINZ: Cooks, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga SPC: Kiribati, Vanuatu, Tuvalu
PRNI Activity Outputs PRNI Output 2: Output 1: Pacific-wide Data Discovery Output 2: Hydrographic Risk Assessment SPC to search database to identify data with potential for use to improve quality of existing charts SPC to work with PICs to release data to Primary Charting Authorities LINZ to undertake risk assessments for Niue, Samoa & Tokelau PRNI LINZ: Cooks, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga SPC: Kiribati, Vanuatu, Tuvalu Output 3: Capability/Capacity Building Output 5: Pacific-wide Partnerships LINZ to work with NZ 5 PICs on annual plans to increase capability following IHO framework LINZ to assess NZ 5 PICs requirements for AtoN SPC focus on other prioritised PICs to build capability and develop annual plans for improved legislation and AtoN NZ to work with regional partners, development donors, PICs and private sector to develop partnerships for improving navigation safety Output 4: Mitigation Measures LINZ to lead prioritising and project managing mitigation measures including AtoN, hydrographic surveys and chart modernisation
Result Samoa
Tokelau Cook Islands Samoa Niue Tonga Traffic analysis Oct 2017 Risk Assessment Jan 2015 Samoa Risk Assessment Sep 2017 Niue Risk Assessment Aug 2016 Tonga Risk Assessment Nov 2014
PRNI Activity Outputs PRNI Output 2: Output 1: Pacific-wide Data Discovery Output 2: Hydrographic Risk Assessment SPC to search database to identify data with potential for use to improve quality of existing charts SPC to work with PICs to release data to Primary Charting Authorities LINZ to undertake risk assessments for Niue, Samoa & Tokelau PRNI LINZ: Cooks, Niue, Samoa, Tokelau, Tonga SPC: Kiribati, Vanuatu, Tuvalu Output 3: Capability/Capacity Building Output 5: Pacific-wide Partnerships LINZ to work with NZ 5 PICs on annual plans to increase capability following IHO framework LINZ to assess NZ 5 PICs requirements for AtoN SPC focus on other prioritised PICs to build capability and develop annual plans for improved legislation and AtoN NZ to work with regional partners, development donors, PICs and private sector to develop partnerships for improving navigation safety Output 4: Mitigation Measures LINZ to lead prioritising and project managing mitigation measures including AtoN, hydrographic surveys and chart modernisation
Cook Islands Surveys - SDB Completed May 2018 Rakahanga Manahiki Nassau and Tema Reef Palmerston Manuae Takutea Mitiaro Mauke Mangaia NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres Surveys
Niue Surveys - SDB & ALB SDB (May 2018) ALB (June 2018) Beveridge Reef Antiope Reef ALB (June 2018) Niue NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres
Samoa Surveys – ALB NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres
Samoa Surveys – MBES Asau 4. Mulifanua 7. Fagaloa Bay Matautu Bay 5. Vailele Bay 8. Aleipata Salelologa 6. Saluafata Bay 9. Safata Bay 10. Siumu Bay 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8
Tokelau Surveys - SDB Completed May 2018 NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres
Tonga Surveys – SDB Completed April 2018 NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres
Tonga Surveys – ALB & MBES ALB July 2018 MBES October/November 2018 NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres
Charts Cook Islands Charts Chart Title Date Plans Scale ENC Update NZ 93 Cook Islands Apr-95 N/A 1 500 000 NZ200093 2018/19 NZ 945 Plans of the Cook Islands (Northern Sheet) Oct-95 Pukapuka 100 000 NZ309451 2017/18 Nassau 75 000 NZ409451 Suwarrow NZ309452 Suwarrow Lagoon Entrance 25 000 NZ509451 Manihiki NZ409452 Manihiki Anchorage 15 000 NZ509452 withdraw Rakahanga 50 000 NZ409453 Penrhyn NZ409454 Penrhyn: Taruia Passage to Gudgeon Bay 12 500 NZ509453 Penrhyn: Taruia Passage 6 000 NZ600945 NZ 955 Plans of the Cook Islands (Southern Sheet) Oct-93 Aitutaki 60 000 NZ400955 Arutanga Anchorage NZ500955 Palmerston NZ409556 Mitiaro NZ409557 Mauke NZ409551 Manuae NZ409555 Takutea NZ409554 Atiu NZ409553 Mangaia NZ409552 NZ 9558 Rarotonga Oct-92 40 000 NZ409558 Approaches to Avatiu & Avarua Harbours 9 000 NZ509558 - Avatiu Harbour 3 000 NZ609558 Arorangi Reef Passage 2 000 NZ695581 Charts
Niue Charts NOTE: NZ 14630 does not have an associated ENC due to the way the ENCs were originally cut.
Plans in Apolima Strait Samoa Charts Chart Title Date Plans Scale ENC Update NZ 86 Samoa Islands Jun 10 N/A 500 000 NZ300086 2019/20 NZ 861 Plans of Samoa Jun-10 (Fathoms) Satupa’itea Road 50 000 Withdraw Faleaupo Road 25 000 Sala’ilua Bay Vailele Bay 20 050 Falefa Harbour 39 030 Uafato Bay 12 260 Falealili Harbour 33 300 Safata Harbour 27 920 Saluafata Harbour Fagaloa Bay Fagali’i Bay 24 270 TBA (a collection of above plans retained and updated with new survey data) New chart Matautu Bay 20 000 Safata Bay TBD Siumu Bay NZ 864 Apolima Strait NZ400864 2017/18 (move to new chart 2019/20) NZ408641 NZ 865 Approaches to Apia NZ400865 NZ 1414 Asau Harbour Oct 80 10 000 NZ 8645 Plans in Apolima Strait Mulifanua Harbour NZ586451 Salelologa Harbour NZ508645 NZ 8655 Apia Harbour 7 500 NZ508655 Aleipata Harbour
Samoa Islands to Northern Cook Islands and Tokelau Tokelau Charts Chart Title Date Plans Scale ENC Update NZ 14692 (INT 692) Samoa Islands to Northern Cook Islands and Tokelau Apr 97 N/A 1 500 000 NZ214629 2019/20 NZ 885 Tokelau Apr 09 500 000 NZ308851 2018/19 Atafu 100 000 NZ308852 Nukunonu NZ308853 Fakaofo NZ308854
Tonga Charts NOTE: dates annotated with an (F) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in fathoms123!@#xyz dates annotated with an (M) indicates the first time it was published as a NZ chart in metres
Tonga Charts Phase 1 – Ha’apai Group, new charts replacing 3 fathoms charts; ‘Eua large scale Phase 2 – Tongatapu to ‘Eua, new chart Phase 3 – Vava’u, Tofua & Kao, new charts