Swindon Employer Gateway Joining up the offer for Employers Jill Annal – Partnerships Manager, Jobcentre Plus Peter Milburn – Employer Account Manager, National Apprenticeship Service
What employers tell us “Business will step up, but government has to meet it halfway. If ever there was a case of not being able to see the wood for the trees, this is it. Confusion dilutes well-intentioned policies and the impact they should have ” John Cridland, Director General, CBI “There must be a focus on creating a simpler offer for employers. Businesses are confused by the large number of employment initiatives with similar names and differing criteria, which are regularly launched by different departments, agencies and local authorities” Adam Marshall, Director of Policy, British Chambers or Commerce (speaking at the Action for Jobs Summit 27th June 2012) Swindon Employer Gateway
What employers tell us The CIPD 2010 Survey report on Resource and Talent Planning BIS Research Paper – May 2011 “What do Employers want from an Aligned Employment and Skills System?” Swindon Employer Gateway
What gets in the way Competing agendas Growing numbers of providers Protectionism Shifting policy and changing initiatives Diminishing budgets “Too difficult pile” Swindon Employer Gateway
What we wanted in Swindon A new way of working Employer Led Trust between partners Shared intelligence and leads Promotion of all services Measured from employer perspective Swindon Employer Gateway
What we gain More efficient way of working Shared understanding The offer delivered in a more coordinated way Less confusion for employers Improved confidence in the public sector to deliver what employers want Swindon Employer Gateway
What we are doing now Strategic Partnership with a multi-agency operational team. Collocated Working together to deliver a joined up services for employers Learning together to develop knowledge and understanding of current offers. Innovating to provide better solutions. Principles Trust, “4 walls”, confidentiality Introductions, championing, sign-posting Swindon Employer Gateway
What its not A Brand A Product A change in individual roles or priorities A change in partner identities All things to all people Swindon Employer Gateway
What is next for SEG Strategic approach to employer engagement in Swindon. Greater involvement of partners and more partners to help broaden the range of services. Performance Framework that measures the improvement for employers and the added value for partners Swindon Employer Gateway
Who is involved Swindon Employer Gateway