Finish through Activity #8 in your booklet Homework 09/5/2016 Study Notes 10-15 Minutes Finish through Activity #8 in your booklet Quiz Corrections due by Monday, Sept. 11th
Class AVG As Bs Cs Ds Fs 1st 78.3% 9 6 2 4 3rd 7 1 5th 94.0% 17 6th 6th 80.6% 8 5 8th 86.3% 10 LY AVG 78.5%
6-1.3: Compare the river valley civilizations of the Tigris and Euphrates (Mesopotamia), the Nile (Egypt), the Indus (India), and the Huang He (China), including the evolution of written language, government, trade systems, architecture, and forms of social order.
Religion POLYTHEISM- the belief in many gods. ZIGGURAT- temple at the center of the city, which was used for worship. It was usually the tallest building.
Society A SOCIETY is a group of people that share similar cultures that are tied together economically. HIERARCHY is organizing people into different ranks.
Mesopotamian Society At the top of Sumerian society were the KINGS. Their power was passed from father to son.
Priests and Priestesses Next most important were the PRIESTS AND PRIESTESSES. They were the spiritual leaders of the city, and they were the only ones allowed in the top of the ziggurat. Priests and Priestesses
Scribes, Farmer, and Shopkeepers Next important were the SCRIBES. They were the only ones who could read or write, and were the only ones educated. Finally the FARMERS AND SHOPKEEPERS. These people were uneducated and usually poor.