GRC - A Strategic Approach Christy Thomas Sr. Cyber Security Advisor, Information Technology Group, Kuwait Integrated Petrochemical Industries Company (KIPIC)
Is GRC worth the investment ? What is GRC ? GRC Adds value to my business? GRC: Integration of Governances, Risks, Compliance and Control Activities to operate in synergy and balance. Is GRC worth the investment ? GRC: A continuous process which governs how management: Identifies and Protects against Risks. Monitor & Assess effectiveness of internal controls. Responds to Gaps. Improves by learning insights. What is GRC ? GRC: A strategy to create business value: Reduce cost. Eliminate operational inefficiencies. Rationalize controls. Identify and mitigate risks.
The Traditional Model Concerns: Oversight by Board of Directors and Executive Management Failure to Achieve Strategic & Operational Objectives Low Business Performance
Why do we need GRC Automation ? Use of spreadsheets to track compliance & manage risks Usage of homegrown soft tools Unable to adapt to changes in regulatory and risk requirements Hard to produce Audit reports Increase in expenses to manage compliance and risk Difficult to make timely and accurate reports
Operational Risk Management IT Risk Management GRC Segments: Operational Risk Management IT Risk Management IT Vendor Risk Management Management Planning & Business Continuity Audit Management Corporate Compliance and Oversight Enterprise Legal Management Courtesy: Gartner
IT Risk Management (ITRM) IT Risks: All IT Systems & Infrastructure, End Users that can create uncertainty in business flow Goal: Balance between operational and protection costs, without compromising business ITRM Solutions: Automate IT risk assessments, policy management, control and reporting IT Risk Elements
Maximize Business Value IT Risk Management - The Focus Minimize Cost People: Outsource, Optimize org. chart, Freeze headcount, Trim salaries/benefits etc. Technology: Rationalize applications, Use the cloud, Go digital, Reduce over-provisioning etc. Process: Streamline processing steps, Automate manual processes, Speed up existing automation, Simplify processes Maximize Business Value Improve quality of service Cloud for agility and flexibility Build competitive advantage Leverage digital business Innovate Minimize Risk Use accurate capacity planning Soft tools that enable fast problem resolution Cyber Security Framework and Policies
Maximize Business Value GRC - KIPIC Strategic Plans Minimize Cost: IT services and platforms in cloud Optimize staff strength K-SOC for cyber security alerts Shared resources for major incident response Local monitoring of cyber security visibility Maximize Business Value Buy only essential IT services and application Avoid home grown applications Real time end node protection Digitalization (end to end) Minimize Risk Cloud based back up and restore infrastructure Critical servers on prim IT & OT – joint team to address OT network security Security data analytics for continuous improvement
IT Vendor Risk Management (VRM) Why? Increased use and dependencies on service providers and IT vendors NECESSITATES a risk management program Benefit: Risk management programs HELPS to manage 3rd party risks with adequate controls, such as: Vendor performance, Security and Data protection Result: FAILURE to comply with strategic mandates cause significant repercussions in: -Audits -Regulatory compliance -Shareholder value -Corporate viability
IT Vendor Risk Management (VRM) In KIPIC, -We use VRM process to ensure IT service providers and IT suppliers are not a threat to business performance. What do we do ?: -Assess, Monitor and Manage the risk exposure from third-party IT suppliers and IT service providers or whoever has access to enterprise information. VRM Sequence
Operational Risk Management (ORM) ORM focuses on risks that relate to: Uncertainty of daily tactical business activities Resulting from failed processes/people/systems External events ORM Software Applications: (ORM Software Eg. RSA Archer, Oracle Financial Reporting Compliance Cloud etc..) Aggregate and normalize data of multiple data sources. (operational, financial, regulatory alerts, incidents etc.) Identify, assess and address operational risks across all departments of the business Courtesy: Gartner
Business Continuity Management Plng. Coordinate, Facilitate and Execute tasks that can identify: Business disruptions Disaster recovery Respond to disruptive events Recover critical business operations Automate: Risk assessment Business impact analysis (BIA) Recovery plan and invocation
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