Mission Praise – number 725


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Words and Music by Rob Smith © 1998 Rob Smith Used By Permission. CCL Licence No Let Us Praise.

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Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest! (x2)
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Presentation transcript:

Mission Praise – number 725 We cry, ‘Hosanna, Lord’ M Farra Mission Praise – number 725 © 1974 Celebration CCL Licence 37003

yes, hosanna, Lord,’ to You: we cry, ‘Hosanna, Lord; MP 725 1/7

Behold, our Saviour comes! Behold the Son of our God! 1. Behold, our Saviour comes! Behold the Son of our God! He offers Himself, and He comes among us, a lowly servant to all. MP 725 2/7

yes, hosanna, Lord,’ to You: we cry, ‘Hosanna, Lord; MP 725 3/7

Children wave their palms as the King of all kings rides by; 2. Children wave their palms as the King of all kings rides by; should we forget to praise our God, the very stones would sing. MP 725 4/7

yes, hosanna, Lord,’ to You: we cry, ‘Hosanna, Lord; MP 725 5/7

His victory over death is the eternal sign of God’s love for us. 3. He comes to set us free, He gives us liberty; His victory over death is the eternal sign of God’s love for us. MP 725 6/7

yes, hosanna, Lord,’ to You: we cry, ‘Hosanna, Lord; MP 725 7/7