Time use survey In Serbia Geneva, 12 March 2012 Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Graph 1. Average time spent on activities by sex, all days. Serbian population 15+ years. 2010/11, hours www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Table 1. Basic TU measures for selected activities, by sex, all days. Serbian population 15+ years. 2010/11, hours and percent Measure Paid work Unpaid work Women Men Average time (All time – for all persons in the study - spent on the activity / the number of persons in the study) 02:09 03:47 04:51 02:16 Proportion of ”doers” (The number of persons that spent some time doing the activity / the number of persons (Participation rate) 31 47 95 77 Average time for ”doers”: (All time – for all persons in the study - spent on the activity / the number of persons that spent some time doing the activity) 06:55 08:00 05:07 02:57 www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Graph 2. Average time spent on activities by self-declared employment status and sex, all days. Serbian population 15+ years. 2010/11, hours www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Tempogram 1. Distribution of time spent in activities during the day by sex, all days. Serbian population 20-74 years. 2010/11, percent www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Tempogram 2. Distribution of time spent in activities during the day, women, all days. Serbian population 20-74 years. 2010/11, percent WOMEN www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Tempogram 3. Distribution of time spent in activities during the day, men, all days. Serbian population 20-74 years. 2010/11, percent MEN www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Graph 3: Proportion of population undertaking total work and unpaid work by sex, week days. Serbian population 15+ years. 2010/11, percent www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Conclusion All in all, female unpaid work should be treated as a significant contribution to the general state and development of each particular society. It should be valued as an economic contribution and included in the calculation of the national accounts. From the gender perspective, the Time use survey is a precious source of information on gender statistics and fills a number of gaps in the statistical system. www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs
www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs Thank you for your attention! Dragana Djokovic Papic Head of the Division for Social Indicators, Gender and Justice statistics Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia E-mail: ddjokovic_papic@stat.gov.rs Web: www.stat.gov.rs www.stat.gov.rs stat@stat.gov.rs