L9 and B6.7 Component ID Change All options - D313029BX03 (B 2017) All options - D563025BX03 (L 2017) Mike Langevin 3/9/2017
Project Scope Change Summary: Background: The model year transmitted by the engine controller in the J1939 Component ID message (PGN 65259, SPN 587) and in the System_Model information via INSITE is being changed from “13” to “17” to indicate the correct engine model year in the <PP1 cal release> Background: As OEMs began building vehicles with B, L, and X15 engines, they noticed the model year was being transmitted on the X15 as “17”, while on the B and L it was being transmitted as “13”. Implementation Strategy and Date: This will be implemented in the PP1 calibration release going into production 5/31/2017. OEMs should verify there are no negative system effects with this model year change.
Change Summary SPN 587 Byte Previous B PP1 B Previous L PP1 L Per section and Appendix E of CEB 00510, SPN 587 will change as follows: SPN 587 Byte Previous B PP1 B Previous L PP1 L 1 36 2 42 4C 3 20 4 75 5 31 6 33 37 7 44 8 30 9 38 10 39 New Translated Result: B – “6B u17D067” L – “6L u17D089”
Change Summary Previous B PP1 B Previous L PP1 L The System_Model (as shown by INSITE) will also change as shown below: Previous B PP1 B Previous L PP1 L 6B u13D067 6B u17D067 6L u13D089 6L u17D089