4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Earth’s Resources 4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Renewable resources can be replenished over fairly short spans of time, such as months, years, or decades. Nonrenewable resources take millions of years to form and accumulate.
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons that may be used as fuel, including coal, oil, and natural gas.
Coal- 4 Stages of Formation Starts as plant materials Passes through 4 stages 1st – peat – partially decayed plant material that looks likes soil 2nd – lignite – a sedimentary rock that is often called brown coal
Coal 3rd – Bituminous – heat & pressure changes lignite to “soft coal” (sedimentary rock) 4th – Anthracite – more heat & pressure changes anthracite to “hard coal” (metamorphic rock)
How was coal formed? http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?title=How_was_coal_formed_&video_id=40991
HOW IS COAL USED TO MAKE ELECTRICITY? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_CcrgKLyzc
Coal- Negative Effects on Environment 1. Mining scars land
How is Electricity made from Coal? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeXG8K5_UvU
2. Burning coal causes air pollution high in sulfur and creates acid rain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nc6j7zz1_do&feature=related
Petroleum & Natural Gas Form from remains of plants and animals that were buried in ancient seas Oil traps – trap oil Found in sedimentary rock layers
Common Oil Traps
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Fuels derived from tar sand and oils shales could become good substitutes for dwindling petroleum supplies.
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Tar Sands Similar to crude oil, but cannot be pumped out
4.1 Energy and Mineral Resources Draw backs for mining Causes substantial land disturbance Processing requires lots of water When processes are complete, contaminated water and sediment accumulate in toxic disposal ponds