PEACH Update Nancy Hurlbut Jan Fish PEACH is a cross-sector Higher Ed collaborative; enables the program to not get stuck in different systems
PEACH and CCDAA Collaboration Partnerships for Education, Articulation, and Coordination through Higher Education and California Child Development Administrators Association Met to discuss concerns from both agencies about revisions to the Child Development Permit – led to the creation of a joint public statement Key Statements of Agreement The concept of “grandfathering” is not clear – Is it life long if it is kept active? If not active, will permit holders then need to meet the new standards, or if you move to the next level do you have to complete all requirements for that level? Align all existing standards and competencies in ECE so it is clear Tie money to the revisions; be an advocate in multiple areas
PEACH Expansion First Five LA Packard grants Mapping ECE Competencies Packard grants Expand to Bay Area and Sacramento Practicum Convening on 11/3 in Northern CAL (Solano College) Update Practicum survey Adult child interactions in practicum Recent collaboration with California MENTOR program
On-going Collaboration CCCECE and PEACH Inviting a representative to PEACH Regional Meetings CCCECE invited to participate in PEACH OneLA advocacy training A suggestion was put forward by PEACH regarding whether there is potential for increasing to be a statewide cross-sector organization Implementation plan Transforming the Workforce Birth to 8