Welcome to Curriculum Night Please sign in and take a copy of the power point notes.
ELA – English Language Arts (includes: Reading/Language Arts) Reading Workshop Journals Discussions Mini Lessons 40 Book challenge Anthology, Novel studies, leveled readers, Scholastic News, and non- fiction text Grades Reading Notebook Guided Reading skills Daily Participation Skill Assessments
ELA – English Language Arts (includes: Reading/Language Arts) Writing Spelling/Vocabulary Skills Paragraph Structure Supporting writing with text based evidence Editing Spelling Responsible for grade level appropriate words Accountability on assignments Vocabulary Skills tests Embedded throughout curriculum
Media News Students read an AR book at his/her appropriate level. You can use www.arbookfind.com to locate titles of books in the AR database. Students take a short multiple choice quiz about the book during school hours. Points are earned for questions answered correctly (quiz scores must be 80% or greater) Students earn prizes for earning points. Also new incentives for reading Sunshine State Books Prizes are distributed on Wednesday mornings (8:20- 8:40) and afternoons (1:40-2:00) in the Media Center. Parents can access student results and receive email updates after quizzes are taken through the Renaissance Home Connect feature. (see handouts in your child’s Friday folder this week)
Math Go Math! Nightly homework Resources Practice Math Facts Place Value Multiplication Division Fractions Geometry Measurement Nightly homework Show evidence of their thinking Resources Khan Academy You tube lessons launchpad.ocps.net
Florida Standards Assessment www.fsassessments.org Math & Reading Multiple choice and written response Multi-step word problems Distracters Rigor – beyond the surface level Both assessments will be taken on the computer
Florida Standards Assessment Text-Based Writing Students will read a variety of texts based on the same topic. After reading the texts, the students will respond to a writing prompt in which they will provide information on a topic or take a stance to support an opinion.
i-Ready Students are given diagnostic assessments throughout the year (Beginning, Middle, End) Lessons are assigned to students based on the results of the diagnostic assessments Students will strive for 45 minutes of Reading and Math lessons participation each week in class.
Science/Social Studies Science-new series Inspire Science-McGraw Hill Matter Florida Plants/Animals Surviving Ecosystems The Universe Earth’s surface Energy Energy and Motion Students take notes in their Science composition notebook. Complete activities in their “Be a Scientist Notebook” Student Journal Social Studies History and Geography of Florida Interactive newspaper Students may use their newspaper for the test. Scholastic News
Data at a Glance
Field Trips St. Augustine February 8, 2019 6:30 am – 6:00 pm Please make sure you are registered as an Additions Volunteer- This includes Dads or other family members who want to attend field trips volunteer.ocps.net