Logging on to Naviance
Naviance You will use Naviance to complete the Career Plan (which is a graduation requirement) You will also use Naviance to do college research, and apply to college in Senior year
Go to the CB West homepage http://www.cbsd.org/Domain/30 Click the STUDENTS box on right. Then click “Naviance (High School)” from links on left side. Then click “CB West Login.”
Go to email / password boxes
In the EMAIL BOX: enter your CB Email Address: Example: Smith.J123 @student.cbsd.org
Enter your 9-digit CB student ID number In the PASSWORD BOX: Enter your 9-digit CB student ID number
Click on Log In
Once you have logged in to Naviance click on the About Me tab Under Official Things at the bottom of the screen, click on Account
Account Information Here you will see your Username and Password. You may change these, but we suggest keeping them the same so that it will be easier to remember.
Where can I find Career Plan Information? All Career Plan 10 information (including this presentation) will be posted on the Class of 2020 page of the CBW Website. CBW Homepage > Students > Class of 2020