Business Communication Process: Grey Advertising Bangladesh Prepared By: Ayateena Ali 113 04 99020 Devjani Guhathakurata 113 00 52020 Naznin Ali Bhutto 122 05 85620 Nusrat Islam Purno 141 12 89630 Kamrun Nahar Omi 143 11 57030 Sakib Mahmud 121 01 41030 Salman Tarique 103 03 93530
Introduction Business communication is any form of communication, verbal or nonverbal, that is used to relay a message, promote a product, service or share information. There are two types of business communication- external communication and internal communication Efficient business communication is very important for an organization.
Efficient communication is very important for an organization Helps in decision making. Increases productivity. Speeds up the flow of work. Increases customer satisfaction. Makes business relationship stronger. Helps to solve various kinds of problems. It saves time and money. Helps the organization to grow faster.
Organizational Overview
COMPANY PROFILE Established in July 1996 and collaborate with Apex Group Awarded for being the best advertising agency in 2004 The market capital of Grey Group was USD 8 million In 2011 Ranked 2nd in Bangladesh with Revenue of BDT 700 million Mr. Monzur Elahi and Mr.Nasim Monzur hold 40% equity GREY holds the rest 60%. Decisions are taken by GREY, though the Chairman, Mr. Monzur Elahi
MISSION: “We will create leading brand ideas: ideas that resonate in people’s minds and hearts and create brand preference”.
VISION: “To be great global company, creating and enhancing Brand value to its clients”
Business Clients Of Grey Grameenphone Coca-Cola ICC Symphony Mobile RFL Group ProthomAlo Savlon Horlicks Proctor & Gamble
Areas of research The main area of our research is the communication system of Grey Bangladesh Problem Statement: “To analyse the effect of business communication on company’s efficiency.”
Research Methodology Sources of data Primary Data Direct Interview Questionnaire Secondary Data Journal Books Websites
Communication Process The account manager (and team) meets with the client The account manager briefs the creative team The creative team provides first round of ideas to the creative director The creative director directs the team to explore the good ideas The creative team will contact with production department (If needed) The creative director approves the final ideas and presents them to the client The client provides feedback to the agency. Might result in a reworking of ideas (repeat steps 3 to 7) The creative team will call for meeting to work in group Final ads are placed in front of the client for approval. Agency monitors the success of the ads and give feedback to the client The client pays the agency
Tools of Communication Mobile Phone Email Memorandum Report Written Document
Findings & Analysis
1. Productivity
2. Positive Work Environment
3. Level of Work Disruption
4. Feedbacks and Ideas
5. Employee Engagement
6. Employee Involvement in Decision-Making
Recommendations Does your organization promote employee engagement through internal communication? 30% responded “Often” 20% responded “Sometimes” Recommendation: Provide Training and Coaching: Makes the employees feel that the company is investing in their future Help Employees Achieve Work/Life Balance: Boosts employee engagement by offering programs like telecommuting and flexible schedules, which can help employees juggle their personal and work lives.
Recommendations Are employees involved in the decision-making process of the organization? 50% responded “Often” 20% responded “Sometimes” Recommendation: Suggestion Schemes: Work wonders especially on matters such as cost cutting, reward system, etc. It also creates a healthy environment and work culture. Job Enrichment: Helps to keep employees involved in the managerial decision-making process. It also increases employees’ freedom
Recommendations Did you ever face any work disruption due to faulty communication system? 60% of the respondents said that they indeed face work disruptions. 20% said sometimes. Our recommendation on regarding work disruption Proper Guidelines: The Company should have a correct and proper guideline of their business communication system. The communication system should be more flexible in different situation and also among different departments with proper guidelines. Intranet: Intranet helps to motivate and unite employees about sharing information efficiently. It can create a platform that can transform this organization and accomplish tasks in a more productive and timely manner.
Conclusion Grey advertising Bangladesh Ltd. is doing well in their industry and the company is growing very rapidly. Effective business communication is very important for their success and growth. Effective business communication helps to boost transparency among the employees and the owners, solve the problems, and enhances team work. Developing a effective communication strategy and its implementation can enhance their growth in future.