Richard Wagner’s The Art-Work of the Future By Jessica Hernandez & Liam Julian Edited By: Laura Pratt and Dr. Kay Picart
The Three Sisters The three sisters, metaphorically entwined in dance to produce art represent… Dance – Tone – Poetry … ____________________________
Love as an Artistic Ideal Wagner approaches love as an artistic ideal by… “ … to acknowledge the other, and at like time to know one’s self.” ________
Egoism The role egoism plays in art according to Wagner is…. Egoism can be ____, but genuine “Egoism” may not be egoism at all, but is instead at home in community.
Poetic Artwork The strengths and weaknesses of poetic artwork are…. __________________________________
Poetic Artwork
3 Sisters So what role do the sisters play in operatic form? Opera is ________________________________________________________________.
So…. Should art be united? Can it be?
And how…? …successful is opera in terms of “artwork of the future…”
Art & Opera
Thanks, Folks!!! A Liam Julian & Jessica Hernandez Production All rights reserved