Joe Bostwick BMCC ANS 231
The selection of these heifers is based on breeding purposes. This will be a commercial Sim/Angus ranch choosing replacements for their herd. Composed of Black Angus cows and Simmental Bulls. These cows will be ranked 1-4 on how they would fit in a ranching operation. This would be the equivalent of picking out replacements to purchase at a heifer sale (Comparisons are made strictly on appearance).
Placing 4- 1 – 2 – 3 ^ ^ ^ 3 4 7
Top Pair Heifers 4 & 1 In the top pair I placed 4 over 1. 4 was clearly the best looking replacement in this class, she had an extremely level top, a very feminine head, and a nice angular neck. the placement of her legs caught my eye as she stood stout and thick. She was very smooth shouldered and had a perfect rear quarter. I grant that 1 shared many of these same qualities. She also was very level topped, trim through the middle and had a deep brisket, however she was coarser through her throat and she lacked depth in her fore- rib.
Middle Pair Heifers 1 & 2 In the middle pair I chose 1 over 2. 1 was clearly a broodier, stouter heifer, she proved to be much deeper through the brisket and into the fore rib. She had more of a femine head and a larger pelvic circumference ready for breeding. I easily recognize number 2s positive traits such as her wide loin area, and her adequate stance, but the distance between her loin and rump bothered me some I felt she needed more elevation, overall number 1 was thicker made, stronger toped and just overall had a more positive appearance than 2.
Bottom Pair Heifers 2 & 3 In the bottom pair I chose 2 over 3. In comparing 2 and 3 I found 2 to be more heavier muscled than 3 she was more expressed down her top and had more width in her hind quarter. In addition I found 3 to have well sprung ribs, strong bone structure and a clean neck, number 2 clearly came out on top as she had a more feminine head, and was put together better structurally when compared to 3. Therefore I placed 3 last in the class.