West Ouachita Track and Field 2019 West Ouachita Track and Field
Coaching Staff Head Coach- Coach Batey Assistant Head Coach- Coach Shambro Sprints- Coach Lee Distance- Coach Shambro and Coach Bryan Hurdles- Coach Gentile Jumps- Coach Nix Pole Vault- Coach Sams Javelin- Coach Hamby Shot & Discus- Coach Batson & Coach Mitchell
Remind App & Social Media (Look at Handout) Remind Sign-up: Open web browser and go to rmd.at/wotrack Enter name and phone number OR Text @wotrack to 81010 Follow us on Twitter @WOtrack
Notable Dates (Look at Handout) Dec. 10- January 9: Voluntary Practice Period Dec. 21- Jan. 7: Christmas Break Jan. 9: 7th hour PE Begins Feb. 2: Indoor Qualifiers (@LSU) Feb. 16: Indoor State (@ LSU) (4 Day Weekend) Mar. 1: First Outdoor Meet (@ULM) Mar. 25-29: Spring Break April 11: Home Track Meet (Chief Relays) April 17: District Meet (@Neville) April 18: Prom April 19-22: Easter Break April 25: Regional Meet (Location TBD) May 4: State Meet (@LSU) May 13: Graduation
Both fundraisers will only be 2 weeks long. Fundraising Discount Cards- 10 cards Candy- 2 boxes of candy Both fundraisers will only be 2 weeks long. Potential Uniform Fundraiser TBD
Team Rules (Look at handout) Athletes enrolled in 7th hour PE will report to the track EVERYDAY. (Make-up tests/ work should be handled in GAP). Students found skipping 7th hour PE will be written-up and removed from the class period. 7th hour begins at 2:18. Role will be called at 2:24 every day. Athletes who are habitually tardy will be subject to discipline. After school practice will almost always be done before 4 pm. Athletes will participate in all fundraising. Even if they’re engaged in another sport (basketball, soccer). Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors in basketball or football PE will stay in those PE classes and practice after school. If it’s under 70 degrees outside, sprinters, jumpers and hurdlers will begin every workout in sweats. Athletes will dress out and work out EVERY DAY. Athletes will follow all safety procedures associated with their event. Athletes will follow all school rules and policies during PE, practices, and meets.
7th hour PE Procedure- Roll 6th hours end at 2:14 The bell for 7th hour rings at 2:18 Roll will be called at 2:24 Athletes who are late for roll call will do burpees. Excessive tardies will lead to a write-up or removal from the class period. Athletes found skipping will be written up and removed from the class period on their first offense.
7th hour PE Procedure- Roll Roll will be called in 3 groups. Distance- Report to the turf beside the field house. Coach Shambro and Coach Bryan will call roll. Sprints, Hurdles, Jumps- Report to the mushroom. Coach Batey or Coach Lee will call roll. Throwers & Pole Vaulters- Report to turf on the other side of the mushroom, closest to the away side. Coach Hamby will call roll.
7th hour procedure (Getting dressed) Boys can dress in the boys PE locker room. Coach Batson will supervise the locker room. Girls can dressed in the girls PE locker room. Coach Gentile will supervise the locker room. Coach Gentile will not start until February. Both boys and girls will bring your bag and clothes with you and leave it in the freshmen football locker room. Both boys and girls will dress out every day. Athletes who do not dress out will be removed from the class period.
Pre-Season Workouts Sprinters & Hurdlers Sprinters will workout with Coach Lee everyday. Hurdlers will workout with Coach Lee & Coach Gentile Monday-Wednesday-Friday and will hurdle Tuesday and Thursday with Coach Gentile. Note: When the season begins Sprinters will be divided into two group: Short Sprints and Long Sprints. Jumpers and Vaulters will workout with short sprints. Hurdlers will workout with long sprints.
Pre-Season Workouts Jumpers & Pole Vaulters Jumpers will be with Coach Lee Monday-Wednesday-Friday and will jump Tuesday & Thursday. When the season begins, jumpers will practice after-school with Coach Nix. Pole Vaulters will jump with Coach Sams Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. They will workout with Coach Lee Wednesday and Friday.
Pre-Season Workouts Throwers Heavy Throws- (Shot Put and Discus) Will throw with Coach Batson Monday-Tuesday-Thursday and will workout Wednesday and Friday. Javelin- Will throw with Coach Hamby Monday-Tuesday-Thursday and workout Wednesday and Friday.
After School Track After school track is mainly for athletes not enrolled in 7th hour, but jumpers, hurdlers, and other skill events can use this time to work on their 2nd event. Calhoun Middle School will practice after school starting in February. Upper-Classmen are encouraged to stay after school and help teach. Sometimes the best way to learn is to teach. After School Track Practice will almost always be done before 4 pm.
Field Events Day Field Events Day will be held after school next Thursday (1/17/19) Students will be invited to try out a field event of their choice. (Shot, Discus, Javelin, Long Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault) They will be briefly coached and then try 5 jumps and throws. Competitors who want to continue will have the option to join 7th hour or practice after-school. Athletes already enrolled in 7th hour are encouraged to participate as well. Try something new.
Group Sign-up Sign-up for the group you want to join. Everyone must join a group. Sprints-Jumps-Hurdles Coach Batey Directly in front Distance Coach Shambro Back Left Throwers- Pole Vaulters Coach Hamby Back Right