Welcome To Centralia High School! For more information visit our web site: http://www.centralia.k12.wa.us/chs/site/default.asp
Introduction Mr. Lowe, Principal Mrs. Johnson, Vice Principal Congratulations on being part of the class of 2023! Counselors Jessica Boeck, 9th grade counselor Jim Parker [A-G], grades 10-12 Rebecca Green [H-O], grades 10-12 Michael VanBuskirk [P-Z], grades 10-12 Administrators Mr. Lowe, Principal Mrs. Johnson, Vice Principal Mr. Chamberlain, Athletics
NEW Class of 2023 Graduation Requirements English 4.5 credits CHS Capstone 0.5 credits Math 3.5 credits Science (2 Lab Credits) 3.5 credits PE 1.5 credits Health 0.5 credits Fine Arts* 2.0 credits CTE (Career & Technical) 2.0 credits World Language* 2.0 credits Social Studies 3.0 credits Electives 5.0 credits Total 30.5 credits *Can be part of Personalized Pathway Requirement [PPR] option
Class of 2022 Graduation Requirements Testing Success SBAC English Language Arts 2548 SBAC Math 2595 Science Test Level 2 [All testing done toward the end of grade 10] 4 P’s Portfolio Presentation (senior year) Pathway (career) Plan (the fifth year, after CHS) All above parts equal one CHS diploma
Four year schedule Matrix 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 T1 T2 T3 1 2 3 4 5 6 T1 T2 T3 1 2 3 4 5 6 T1 T2 T3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12
Typical grade 9 Course Offerings English or Honors English Algebra 1 or Geometry Fine Arts: Music & Art Social Studies: Law & Community Earth and Physical Science PE, Food & Fitness, & Yoga CTE: Health, Robotics, Marketing, Woods, Metals, Web Design, Digital Design We are offering SPANISH 1 for grade 9 For more course offerings, see course description booklet at CHS website
Newer Classes for 9th graders in 2019-2020 Medical Terminology Food & Fitness Counts for PE! Landscape Design Floral Design American Sign Language Computer Applications Newer Classes for 9th graders in 2019-2020
Typical 9th Grade Schedule Pd Semester 1 Semester 2 Yearly Credit 1 English 9A English 9B 1.0 2 Algebra 1A Algebra 1B 3 Science 9A Science 9B 4 Law & Comm A Family Health B 5 PE A PE B or Elective 6 Elective A Elective B Typical 9th Grade Schedule
Advanced 9th Grade Schedule Pd Semester 1 Semester 2 1 Honors English 9A Honors English 9B 2 Geometry A Geometry B 3 Science 9A (Choose Honors) Science 9B (Choose Honors) 4 Law & Community A Family Health B 5 Elective A PE B 6 Spanish 1A Spanish 1 B Advanced 9th Grade Schedule
Course Description Sample: Web site: http://www. centralia. k12. wa FLORAL DESIGN A & B: Skyward Code: SCI331 & SCI332 Course length: Two Semesters Prerequisite: Agriscience or Biology Credit: Science (life) or CTE/ Personalized Pathway Choice/ PPR Do you want to make your own corsage and boutonniere for dances or a beautiful flower arrangement for a friend then this class is for you!!! This course is designed to develop students’ ability to identify and demonstrate the principles and techniques related to floral design as well as develop an understanding of the management of floral enterprise. Through the analysis of artistic floral styles and historical periods, students develop respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. Students respond to and analyze floral designs, thus contributing to the development of lifelong skills of making informed judgments and evaluations.
Registration Process Math Science PE/Fitness Law & Community LAST Name first, email address, cell phone TWO COPIES, PLEASE! Circle each correct subject WE NEED 12 Classes (6A and 6B classes) ADD 2 Alternates (1A and 1B) Circle them and put an A1 and A2 next to it English Math Science PE/Fitness Law & Community Family Health Elective [list 2-4] PLUS TWO ALTERNATES!!!!
Registration Process Give me one copy now Have parent sign other copy Return other copy by NEXT Friday to CMS Teacher If you are way late, give it to CMS counselors
9th grade Orientation Link Freshman First Day First day of school LINK activities Repeat schedule Fun, get to know you, great transition Make sure your address is current in Skyward!
PPR appointment in August, 2019 With your parent/guardian and high school counselor Talk about transition; Career & College Readiness Credits Classes New CHS Building College Bound Scholarship PPR appointment in August, 2019
New Graduation Requirements Table of WA State Graduation requirements: State Board of Education, 2014 Use this table as a quick reference for credit comparisons in the class of 2021. Note the definition of Personalized Pathway Requirement {PPR} in the table above.
High School & Beyond Plan CHS is working with the Skyward/ Naviance HS & Beyond Plan Electronic login and work Developed over three years with Nav advisory Fourth year may be different with tri-mesters. High School & Beyond Plan
Personalized Pathway
Student Flex Credits
Math Choice Changes
Science Choice Changes
Questions? Call 330.7609 or email us: Jessica Boeck; Grade 9 Counselor jboeck@centralia.wednet.edu Jim Parker, counselor [A-G] Grades 10-12 jparker@centralia.wednet.edu Rebecca Green, counselor [H-O] Grades 10-12 rgreen@centralia.wednet.edu Michael VanBuskirk, counselor [P-Z] Grades 10-12 mvanbuskirk@centralia.wednet.edu