Knowing the essentials You are responsible for… Communication Communication is essential – you MUST be proactive! Academic Calendar Know your deadlines for registration, drops and withdrawals. HS Counselors and NCMC Academic Advisor Utilize your support staff throughout your time in early college! Your Learning Must get a “C” in the class to transfer; if fail or withdraw from class, may have to pay high school back for tuition and textbook
Words of Advice! Read Widely and Often! Both what is assigned and what interests you Be an Active Participant! You educational success is dependent on YOU Write Everyday! For both class and for yourself Ask Questions! Appreciate that you do not know it all – and that is OK Have FUN!
The NC Portal
The NCMC Portal
Knowing how to use North Central’s Technology Student and Community Portal My North Central (schedule, transcript, final grades) Brightspace (classes here, syllabus, grades in process) My Mail (all communication through here) My Alerts (notification of snow days, professor cancel) Facebook (general announcements, events)
(Unknown Dates will be communicated with students once they are set) Important Dates!! January 22, 2018 – SD 125 Begins! January/February, 2018 – NCMC SD125 High School Visit March, 2018 – Early College NCMC Campus Visit April, 2018 – Class Registration Begins (Unknown Dates will be communicated with students once they are set)