Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15 DOCUMENT #: GSC15-GRSC8-nn FOR: Presentation SOURCE: TIA AGENDA ITEM: 4.2 CONTACT(S): Mark Epstein ( Jerry Upton ( TR-47 Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast - Standards Update Mark Epstein Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Overview Engineering Committee TR-47 is responsible for development and maintenance of downlink standards for terrestrial and non-terrestrial mobile multimedia multicast systems. TR-47 has two standards formulating subcommittees, TR-47.1 Forward Link Only Air Interface and TR-47.2 Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld Air Interface.
Strategic Direction With deployments of Mobile Multimedia Multicast Systems continuing, the TIA TR-47 subcommittees are developing and revising standards to the meet the current and new requirements of this emerging market. In 2009 the committee addressed the needs of Satellite Hybrids potential deployments. In 2010 the committee is focused on understanding and addressing the emerging national/local Emergency Alert Systems requirements. TIA-1181, published in May 2010 was created by TR-47.1 to address the EAS needs. The committee interacts with a number of organizations including ARIB, ETSI, 3GPP, DVB Project, and the FLO Forum. This high level of global cooperation is expected to continue to meet the growing market needs. Liaisons with ARIB ad ETSI have been very active in the last 12 months. TIA continues to have excellent cooperation with ETSI in using ETSI Standards to provide a baseline for transposition into TIA Standards, as has been done for over 15 years at TIA.
Challenges Continue to evaluate the additional needs of the stakeholders in a timely manner based on commercial deployments of Mobile Multimedia Multicast Systems.
Next Steps/Actions Revise and/or amend current standards based on current and new deployments. Continue to address potential requirements for Emergency Alert Systems that result in revisions/additional standards.
Summary of Contributions to the GSC-15 on Multimedia Presentations --GRSC8-05 Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Standardization in ETSI --GRSC8-06 TIA TR47 Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast Summary --Digital radio rollouts dependent on government support. European rollout with digital receiver profiles provide first step of unifying the market --Mobile TV based on DVB and FLO are not a major success today, but expectations are high. Several alternate technologies and devices are competing for attention.
Supplemental Slides
TR-47 Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast - Scope Engineering Committee TR-47 is responsible for development and maintenance of downlink standards for a terrestrial and non-terrestrial mobile multimedia multicast [1] systems. These standards are intended to be employed by users and suppliers to promote compatible and interoperable systems to support multicast audio, video, and data requirements for a wide range of commercial and public services. The Committee works with other national and international standards development organizations in promoting standards harmonization. Work items are encouraged that are not duplicative of wireless data services architecture, interface and protocol development, such as done in 3GPP, 3GPP2 and Open Mobile Alliance, among others. The Engineering Committee’s focus is on standards for radio interfaces, testing methodologies, performance and reliability standards, and equipment design guides as they relate to terrestrial mobile multimedia multicast. [1] An audio or video communication made to a select group of multiple destinations simultaneously, or two-way communication such as videoconferencing, teleconferencing, or e-mail.
TR-47.1 Forward Link Only Air Interface -Scope Subcommittee TR-47.1, Forward Link Only Air Interface is responsible for the development and maintenance of downlink standards for a subclass of terrestrial and non-terrestrial mobile multimedia multicast systems. The subclass is characterized by the combining of the following features, among others, purpose-built, high spectral efficiency, multiple simultaneous services, layered modulation and service support, advanced coding, customized transport methods, not limited to Internet Protocol encapsulation, statistical multiplexing of variable-rate services, high-quality audio, video & data, content protection, multiple coverage areas (wide and local) within a single RF channel, support different QoS for different services within a single RF channel and a single service, fast switching time between services, minimized receiver power consumption without sacrificing the time-diversity performance or the speed of service switching regardless of the service rate, and a deterministic frame structure based on a time synchronizing signal such as GPS. These standards are intended to be employed by users and suppliers to promote compatible and interoperable systems to support multicast audio, video, and data requirements for a wide range of commercial and public services.
TR-47.1 Forward Link Only Air Interface - Standards TIA-1099 - Forward Link Only Air Interface Specification for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast (2006); Rev. A (2009); Rev. B (2010) TIA-1102 - Minimum Performance Specification for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast Forward Link Only Devices (2006); Rev. A (2009) TIA-1103 - Minimum Performance Specification for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast Forward Link Only Transmitters (2006); Rev. A (2009) TIA-1104 - Test Application Protocol for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast Forward Link Only Transmitters and Devices (2006) TIA-1120 - Forward Link Only Transport Specification (2007) TIA-1130 - Forward Link Only Media Adaptation Layer Specification (2008) TIA-1132 - Minimum Performance Specification for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast Forward Link Only Repeaters (2007) TIA- 1146- Forward Link Only Open Conditional Access (OpenCA) Specification (2009) TIA-1178 - Forward Link Only Open System Information (SI) Specification (2009) TIA-1181 - Forward Link Only Messaging Transport Specification – Support for Emergency Alert Service (2010)
TR-47.2 Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld Air Interface - Scope Subcommittee TR-47.2, Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld Air Interface is responsible for the development and maintenance of downlink standards for a subclass of terrestrial and non-terrestrial mobile multimedia multicast systems based on Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld devices technology. TR-47.2 specifications encompass, but not limited to transmission system, implementation guides, validation of transmission systems and appropriate ETSI documents related to Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld and Satellite Hybrid Devices. These standards are intended to be employed by users and suppliers to promote compatible and interoperable systems to support multicast audio, video, and data requirements for a wide range of commercial and public services.
TR-47.2 TR-47.2 Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld (DVB-H and DVB-SH) Air Interface - Standards The TR-47.2 subcommittee developed one key standard initially that addressed a number of specifications. TIA-1105 – “Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast based on Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld Devices System (2006).” In 2009 the TR-47.2 subcommittee completed an additional key standard that addressed a number of specifications to support Satellite Hybrid approaches. TIA-1168 – “Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast based on Digital Video Broadcasting to Handheld Devices Operating on Satellite, Terrestrial or Hybrid Networks at Frequencies Below 3 GHz.”
TIA and ETSI Cooperation for MMBM TIA/ETSI Cooperation agreements since 1991 Most recent signed in December 2007 Exchange of drafts and published standards Participation rights (non-voting) but right to attend and present at each other’s technical committees Format for marking copyright ownership on distributed documents Have cooperated in areas of terminal equipment, IPR, satellite, wireless, TM3, cordless, etc. To actually USE (i.e., cut/paste) text into each other’s standards requires written copyright permission For more than 15 years, policy on both sides is grant of such permission
Examples: DVB-H and DVB-SH TIA Engineering Committee TR-47 launched several projects Scopes were for Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast Systems One subcommittee, TR-47.2, desired a DVB-H type solution e.g., EN 302 304 (2004) TIA requested copyright permission from ETSI TIA published TIA-1105 in 2006, “Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast based on Digital Video Broadcasting for Handheld Devices System” ( In 2009, after GSC-13, TR-47 Revised its Scope and got copyright permission from ETSI in May 2009, and developed TIA-1168 – “Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia Multicast based on Digital Video Broadcasting to Handheld Devices Operating on Satellite, Terrestrial or Hybrid Networks at Frequencies Below 3 GHz” (DVB-SH)