Creating Video Content for Standards Education Jennifer McClain and Susan Tatiner Presented to Standards Education Committee 12 December 2013 5/2/2019
Standards Education: An Introduction SEC, in collaboration with China Institute of Standardization (CNIS) created first of 3-part basic series on standards education Includes history of standardization, discussion of some basic classifications of standards, and general standardization theory. Two more videos are planned in 2014. Will include information on methods of standards development, types of standards organizations, principles of standards developments, financing of standards development, standards and global trade, strategic standardization, role of intellectual property in standards. 5/2/2019 Collaboration and Standards Education extended collaboration in 2014 planned. Ideas under development and/or discussion: Creating 3 videos from existing ICCVE footage. Videotaping short interviews with SASB volunteers at 2014 meetings in Piscataway to cover topics such as technologies, case studies, IPR, standards development, etc. Standards Education Channel on can be created. Material can be distributed there, on SEC website, and on SA’s YouTube Channel. 5/2/2019
Additional Video Content Ideas In-depth video interview series with well-known engineers, featuring professional interviewers, and ancillary learning tools such as lesson plans and quizzes. Increased video content for the Standards Education eZine, with video highlighted in each issue. 5/2/2019 SEC to sponsor and create new standards-related video series for the site. Short videos 3 to 7 minutes long. SEC needs to finalize list of topics. Ideas: Importance/Relevance of Standards Chip Design Ethernet Standards Standards Bodies Standards Education Grants Overview of several technical Standards areas, such as Power & Energy, etc. Goal is to create and release our series of 3 to 6 videos in the first quarter of 2014. Hope to work with to create the series. 5/2/2019
Thank you 5/2/2019