Reconstruction Era 1865-1877
Results of the War
Over 600,000 dead
The South was in ruins.
Bitter feelings still exist.
What was the next step?
President and Congress Dispute over Reconstruction plans!!! Andrew Johnson’s veto of Congressional plans for Reconstruction angers Radical Republicans. They override his vetoes and try to impeach him. His job is saved by 1 vote.
New local Governments in the South Carpetbaggers- Northern people trying to make a profit in the south through politics or business. Southerners accused CB’s and blacks of running corrupt governments.
Reconstruction Amendments 13th amendment-1865 abolished slavery 14th amendment-1866 made slaves citizens and gave equal rights 15th amendment-1870 All males, regardless of color or slavery, can vote.
Other steps to help former slaves. Freedmen’s bureau established by Congress to help freed slaves. Food, education, land, mules, horses, legal aid etc…
Voting Rights New voting rights allow African Americans to hold public office in the South especially.
Limits on Freedom Black Codes- Designed to restrict rights of freed blacks in the south. Restrict land ownership AA orphans can be assigned forced labor.(slavery)
Sharecropping Blacks given seed and equipment by wealthy landowner for part of their crop. Blacks can never get ahead and are forced to work the land and can never get ahead. (Became slavery)
Blacks and the work force Free slaves become unskilled labor Many work on plantations for low wages or room/board Whites don’t like the competition of blacks seeking employment
KKK emerges to intimidate and direct violence toward blacks and supporters of black rights.
Reconstruction ends, Jim Crow and other prejudice begin 1877 Recon ends with Union troops pulled out of the South. Jim Crow- poll taxes, literacy tests, and Grandfather clause designed to keep blacks from voting. Media prejudice